Trans Day of Visibility Book Bundle!

Hi friends!

March 31 is the yearly Transgender Day of Visibility, and if you’ve followed me for very long at all, you know that I’m trans/agender and that my work is made from that lens. Specifically, I always focus on including and celebrating trans people and characters!

The Trans Day of Visibility was created to be a complement to the Trans Day of Remembrance in the fall, which honors trans people who are no longer with us. TDOV is thus about recognizing and celebrating transness while we’re still here. I came out in 2008 when I was 18 and it’s been quite a journey since, both personally and politically. Since then some things have improved, like overall recognition and acceptance, but other things have worsened (see: current US politics). The only way to get through this is together.

In celebration of TDOV, I’ve got two things for you: a special discount for the Numinous Tarot and a book bundle. Both will last from March 28 to March 31st. The former you can find in the usual place and you can learn more about the latter below.

Fellow author Al Hess put together a MASSIVE bundle of SFF books with trans/nonbinary characters and/or by trans/nonbinary authors on You may be familiar with as a site for indie video games, but many authors also use it to get their books directly to readers. You just download the files and upload them to your ereader. This bundle contains 38 books—that’s basically an entire LIBRARY of trans literature! Storytelling is a hugely important part of our culture and the culture of understanding and acceptance—including of ourselves, if you’re trans, too.

An illustrated city skyline at night, with a full moon and stars that twinkle. Text overlaid: " SSF TRANS BOOK bundle! 30+ authors ~ 3/28 - 3/31

I’ve got The Thread That Binds in there, and I’ve read some of the other offerings like Awakenings, A Lake of Feathers and Moonbeams, Mazarin Blues, and Odder Still, which are all very good. Check it out 💙🤍🩷🏳️‍⚧️

Hope you all are hanging in there in these trying times.

Happy Aromantic Spectrum Week!

Hello, friends! This week, the week after Valentine’s Day, is Aromantic Spectrum Week! People on the aromantic spectrum may not experience romantic attraction at all, rarely, only after intense emotional bonds, or other differences from alloromantic (non-aro) people. Aro people can be asexual/ace-spectrum as well or they can be allosexual (non-ace)! Ace identities have been getting more attention in the last few years, but aromanticism still lags a bit behind.

If you didn’t know, I identify as gray-aromantic, which for me means that I rarely experience romantic attraction—to the point that throughout my life it caused me to feel “different” and even worry there was something wrong with me, before I knew what it was—and also often struggle to differentiate between romantic and platonic feelings. Having the word to describe myself and the community to be a part of has been crucial to accepting myself and knowing how to set boundaries and expectations in my relationships.

As such, I’ve had aro-spectrum characters in my fiction ever since my old webcomic Ignition Zero, which had Martin come out sometime near the end as aromantic. Currently, the Eternal Library series has many aro-spec characters, including main ones!

Eternal Library Aro Week Special

To celebrate, I’m putting both The Thread That Binds and The Tale That Twines on sale this week (Saturday February 15 - Saturday February 22) in both ebook AND paperback. I have ebook sales a few times a year, but hardly ever on the paperbacks.

Digital book cover for THE THREAD THAT BINDS, featuring a frame of rainbow books around panels of three characters: Rhiannon (purple hair, brown skin, glasses), Tabby (blonde, white, fat), and Amane (femme, Black, fat).

Rhiannon in The Thread That Binds (book 1) is one of the three narrators and is aroace, and e’s in a queerplatonic partnership with Tabby. Since they’re polyamorous, Tabby also has a romance with Amane in the book, but eir platonic partnership with Rhiannon is just as central to the plot, if not more. At the start of the book, they’ve been together for six years and share a cozy home, life, and a cat named Egg. Some things test their relationship over the course of the story, but don’t worry—it has a happy ending.

The cover for THE TALE THAT TWINES. A rainbow bookshelf frames 3 panels, each with a character: Aeronwy (brown skin, black and gray hair, holding a flame), June (white, redhead, glasses), and Siobhan (brown skin, fat, holding a cane)

June, Aeronwy, and Siobhan do all appear in book 1, but the fact that they’re aro-spec doesn’t come up as much. However, June is the narrator for book 2, The Tale That Twines, and the other two are super important as well. June is demiromantic, which means e only experiences romantic attraction after forming a strong emotional bond with someone.

Aeronwy is gray-aro like me, rarely experiencing those feelings, and Siobhan is straight up aromantic. Siobhan and Aeronwy enjoy a non-romantic sexual partnership, while June and Aeronwy’s romance takes…like 75% of the way through the book to even begin. Aromantic relationships come in all shapes and sizes, and I hope you enjoy some of the variety I’ve gone for in my books!

Click on the buttons to read more about each book, check out a sample, and find all the buy links. If you can buy directly from me instead of one of the other sites, I would love that, as I earn more from those sales! But if not, no worries 😊 I’m stoked about anyone reading my books wherever they get them.

Common Bonds 2 Anthology

Something else exciting for aro week: a second volume of the beloved Common Bonds Anthology!! The first Common Bonds, a short speculative fiction anthology, is literally my favorite anthology ever. It was just SO INCREDIBLY GOOD, so quality, so well put together! Common Bonds centers aro-spectrum protagonists and stories about platonic relationships, and is very beloved by the community.

A banner featuring the cover for COMMON BONDS 2 on ereader and paperback. The cover shows two androgynous people sharing a blanket, surrounded by autumn leaves, the title, and a stylized thread/rope.

As such I’m THRILLED to support and promote a second volume, and I encourage you to do so, too! Even if you’re not aro-spec, we all have platonic love in our lives and it’s something that should be recognized and celebrated in fiction. Check it out!

Happy Aro Week! I hope you all are staying safe and doing well 💜

Cozy Fantasy Book Bundle for Supporting Trans Rights!

Hello, friends! I hope you’re all doing well—or as well as you can with the various frightening and difficult things going on in the world.

Purple text on a pink background: cozy fantasy for trans rights. Anyone who emails their representatives in support of trans rights and sends a screenshot to (or just CCs) will receive seven free cozy fantasy eBooks!

Today I have a call to action for y’all: fellow author Coyote JM Edwards has set up a deal where if you contact your representatives in support of trans rights, you can receive a bundle of seven of free queer, cozy fantasy books. I added The Thread That Binds, which you may have already read, but there are six more great books in it to read!

Coyote has set up a webpage with all the info, including an email template and links to make contacting your reps easy rather than overwhelming. You can find it all here:

While this was inspired by US politics, this call is open to anyone in any country contacting your version of government representation! Less resources are available on the webpage for how to contact your representation outside the USA, due to energy/time/knowledge constraints, but all are welcome who are contributing to fighting trans rights across the world, however that works where you are. More info is on the page (button above).

The books:

Book covers for: How To Get a Girlfriend When You're a Terrifying Monster; A Novella from Chai and Cat-tales: Priye; The Thread That Binds; Awakenings; Coffee, Milk, & Spider Silk; City of Strife; and Lollipop Monster Shop

Aside from my own book, I’ve read half of the offerings here and loved them! Both of Claudie’s books and Coyote’s Coffee, Milk, & Spider Silk are delightful and definitely books I would recommend to fans of my own work (I know I recommend Claudie all the time shhhh). The others look wonderful as well and I’m excited to add them to my own TBR.

We need all the support we can in the face of this new administration—and similar struggles happening in other parts of the world. Emailing your representatives in our government is just one step of many that we can take together, combining smaller efforts into a bigger push with numbers. Whether or not you’d like the free books, I encourage you to use the resources on Coyote’s page for making your voice heard!

And of course, whatever you do best with your own skills and abilities—thank you for doing those things, even if it just means surviving in the face of people who would rather you not exist 💜. Even if I don’t know you, I know that you deserve to be here and be yourself and be loved. Do not obey in advance! Stay safe but stay you!

Take care 💜💜💜

We're Back! Magic Pantry Tarot now Available!

Hello friends, and happy (belated) New Year!

I am back from my medical leave and have healed up nicely from my surgery, yay! And also, you know, now safe from worrying about the fires here in LA. Thank you so much for all of your patience and your well-wishes. I am taking the return to work slowly, addressing various concerns and prepping for new ventures in 2025. Here are the most important bits:

The shop is open again and the Magic Pantry Tarot is now available and on sale for New Year’s! (With exceptions, see below.)

Unfortunately, I am currently unable to ship to the EU and Northern Ireland for the time being due to the new GPSR laws which went into effect on December 13, 2024. These new laws are meant to protect EU customers from dangerous products and are clearly aimed at all of the mass-produced junk coming from websites like Temu, but it is having a huge effect on single/small creators like myself.

I will be keeping an eye on news related to these new laws and trying to figure out a solution, but for now I don’t have the time or funds for addressing this new system. I am so, SO sorry if you are in the EU and want to purchase my physical products, and I understand any disappointment or frustration you may feel. I’m frustrated, too! Sadly, international laws like these are not made with tiny creators like me in mind, who have less resources like time and money available.

Lost/Stuck/Damaged MPT Kickstarter Packages

I have been checking in with anyone who contacted me about their Magic Pantry Tarot Kickstarter orders being lost, stuck, or damaged in the mail. At this point, any Kickstarter or preorder package which has not arrived, I will now consider lost.

If you are experiencing one of these issues, please contact me with your information at this link here so we can resolve it, or reply to this email. In almost every case I am more than happy to send a new package for free, with a a different carrier if necessary, to get it through to you.

Upcoming Releases and Projects

So, what’s on the docket for 2025? Several things, I hope! Things I am focusing on this year:

  • The Flame That Sings (Eternal Library Series Book 3)

  • Adventurers Kneaded (Empire of Eats Novella 2)

  • Attending in-person markets/fairs/cons in the Los Angeles area

  • Exploring new art forms/media

  • Who knows what else???

If you’d like to see what I’m working on as I work on it, please consider joining my Patreon! You can join for FREE and see 99% of what I post there: writing blogs, sketchbook and concept art, excerpts, sneak peeks, progress updates, and more. Since I’m not on social media anymore, this is the best way to keep up with what I’m doing outside of this mailing list.

If you can afford it and would like to pledge $2-5 a month, you can get access to a few slightly more special posts, like full chapter excerpts from upcoming books, coupons, or possibly entire advance copy ebooks (this is something I’m considering for the future)!

Thank you all so much for your support in these trying times. I hope you all are safe and well here at the beginning of 2025!

Medical Leave + Cozy Fantasy Storybundle!

First, the most important announcement:

Starting at the end of this week, December 7, I will be on medical leave for the rest of the year! This means:

  • All physical items (decks, paperback books, etc) will be unavailable in the shop during this time and will return in 2025. If you want any of these things before the end of the year you will need to buy them by the end of day Thursday, December 6. (US orders placed this week should arrive before Christmas but international orders most likely will not.)

  • Ebooks will still be available in the shop (and at other retailers) during this time but I will not be able to assist with any troubleshooting if needed.

  • I will not be replying to emails at all until 2025 and thus unable to respond to any questions or concerns regarding orders, including Magic Pantry Tarot Kickstarter rewards. I will respond when I return, which will likely take some time if there is a lot to catch up on.

Thank you for your understanding and patience in advance. My Patreon will still be open with a scheduled post each week if you’d like to join in either for free or a small monthly donation. Since most of the shop will basically be closed for the month, I would really, super appreciate any little bit you can throw my way! 💜

Some recent Patreon posts:

Another super fun thing that you should ABSOLUTELY check out:

If you love cozy fantasy and would like a really amazing deal on a BUNCH of fabulous books, THE THREAD THAT BINDS is currently part of a pay-what-you-want StoryBundle through December 26—I highly recommend grabbing them all! AWAKENINGS by my friend Claudie Arseneault is another favorite and I am really excited to read the rest of the books myself.

Here’s all the info from StoryBundle’s blog:

Cosy fantasy isn't new, not really. We have always loved fantasy; we've always been interested in the ebb and flow of other people's lives; we have always needed warmth, and love, and hope. The marriage of these things into a thriving genre is, in a word, perfection.

Here's a bundle of tales to take you away – somewhere warm and bright, somewhere the world isn't breaking apart around you. Dive into the lives of dragons, and the bakers of magical cakes; meet tavern-keeps and wizards, in strange and wondrous places; make friends with witches, and mediums, and more. Run away to the castle in the clouds; things are brighter, there.

These books are our gift to the world, to keep the sun shining. Enjoy these tales with tea and cake, and come up smiling – Charlotte E. English

* * *

For StoryBundle, you decide what price you want to pay. For $5 (or more, if you're feeling generous), you'll get the basic bundle of four books in .epub format—WORLDWIDE.

  • The Season of Dragons by Tansy Rayner Roberts

  • Good Neighbors by Stephanie Burgis

  • Drinks and Sinkholes by S. Usher Evans

  • A Spirited Engagement by Belinda Kroll

If you pay at least the bonus price of just $20, you get all four of the regular books, plus 6 more books, for a total of 10!

  • Mouse's Folly by T. Thorn Coyle

  • Baking Bad by Kim M. Watt

  • Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault

  • The Court and Castle Chansany by Charlotte E. English

  • Once Upon Thyme by Celine Jeanjean

  • The Thread that Binds by Cedar McCloud

This bundle is available only for a limited time via It allows easy reading on computers, smartphones, and tablets as well as Kindle and other ereaders via file transfer, email, and other methods. You get a DRM-free .epub for all books!

It's also super easy to give the gift of reading with StoryBundle, thanks to our gift cards – which allow you to send someone a code that they can redeem for any future StoryBundle bundle – and timed delivery, which allows you to control exactly when your recipient will get the gift of StoryBundle.

Why StoryBundle? Here are just a few benefits StoryBundle provides.

  • Get quality reads: We've chosen works from excellent authors to bundle together in one convenient package.

  • Pay what you want (minimum $5): You decide how much these fantastic books are worth. If you can only spare a little, that's fine! You'll still get access to a batch of exceptional titles.

  • Support authors who support DRM-free books: StoryBundle is a platform for authors to get exposure for their works, both for the titles featured in the bundle and for the rest of their catalog. Supporting authors who let you read their books on any device you want—restriction free—will show everyone there's nothing wrong with ditching DRM.

  • Give to worthy causes: Bundle buyers have a chance to donate a portion of their proceeds to Girls Write Now!

  • Receive extra books: If you beat the bonus price, you'll get the bonus books!

StoryBundle was created to give a platform for independent authors to showcase their work, and a source of quality titles for thirsty readers. StoryBundle works with authors to create bundles of ebooks that can be purchased by readers at their desired price. Before starting StoryBundle, Founder Jason Chen covered technology and software as an editor for and

For more information, visit our website at, tweet us at @storybundle and like us on Facebook.

Ten book covers in two rows. The books are: The Season of Dragons, Good Neighbors, Drinks and Sinkholes, A Spirited Engagement, The Thread That Binds, Awakenings, The Court at Castle Chansany, Mouse's Folly, Once Upon Thyme, Baking Bad

Thank you all for your amazing and incredible support this year! It’s been a wild one in so many ways, on both a personal and collective level. I’m excited to return in 2025 will all sorts of new offerings, and I wish you all a cozy, warm end of 2024 💜💜💜

The Magic Pantry Kickstarter is now LIVE!!


A photo of the Magic Pantry Tarot deck box, surrounded by colorful cards.

The campaign will run from today, May 23, 2024, until June 20, 2024. Unlike in past years where I’d order anywhere from 1,200 to 3000 copies of a deck for a Kickstarter and have tons left over afterward, I’m only printing 600 this time! The last Numinous Tarot Kickstarter, with Backerkit preorders after, sold something like 600 total! There may or may not be more decks left over after the campaign, so if you really want one, now’s the time. I will definitely have a second printing, almost certainly next year—but then you’ll have to wait 😅

This change is part of an attempt to reorganize my business in a way that suits my needs as a disabled autistic/ADHD person better. It also means some minor changes to the type of packaging and pricing I’m able to offer, as ordering in lower quantities means higher printing costs. Thank you for understanding 💕

Hoping to have all the decks mailed out in the fall—I’m currently aiming for November.

All the relevant info is on the campaign page. Don’t forget to check out all the add-ons! You can basically get any of my other decks alongside the new one, as well as copies of my new comedic fantasy novella, Party of Fools, which is also food-themed.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! I can’t wait to get these delicious decks in your hands!!

Magic Pantry Tarot pre-launch page AND I'm back on PATRE0N!

First of all, the pre-launch page for the Magic Pantry Tarot Kickstarter is live! I will be sending an email through this list on May 23rd as a reminder, but you can also hit the “Notify me on launch” button here if you want to be doubly safe, haha.

May 23rd! It’s coming!! The campaign will run through June 20; if there are any decks left after the campaign, they will either be available for pre-0rder through Backerkit or will hit the sh0p later this year. I will let you know, of course, but I am expecting (hoping?) this first print run of 600 will sell out within 2024, one way or another.

In other exciting news, I am back on PATRE0N! This time around, I’m aiming for a casual, chatty space to blog, answer questions and share my artwork, works in progress, behind the scenes processes, and fun little extras.

A few things I have planned for what I’m calling the Casual Funtimes Club:

  • Art from my sketchbook that doesn’t get posted to social media

  • Rambles about worldbuilding and other aspects of writing

  • A look back in time at my old art and unpublished novels

  • WIP excerpts from The Flame That Sings (Eternal Library Book 3) and Adventurers Kneaded (Empire of Eats Novella 2)

  • Q&A opportunities

  • More entries from the Magic Pantry Tarot guidebook and further thoughts about food symbolism, prior to publication

  • Recipes????? from the MPT and/or Empire of Eats novella series

  • New tarot/oracle art when I get to making the next deck, prior to public release


  • Whatever else I get excited about in the moment!

In the past few years, I’ve pulled back from social media. Overall, this has had a great affect on my mental health, but I do miss being able to share casual, fun things with my followers—and have them actually be seen, no thanks to all the algorithms. While it’s fun to talk to my friends about my progress and process, it doesn’t always feel like enough! That’s where this space comes in.

I’m also hoping that it can provide a little pocket change, as my sh0p income has, uh, dramatically taken a dive in the past two years. Times are really hard right now for every self-employed/small biz/freelance person I know, including me. So if you can spare a little bit extra per month for this, I’d super super appreciate it.

(P.S. It is a brand new profile, so if you used to be subbed to my old one, don’t worry about it being reactivated or anything like that. The old one is still dead!)

There are already a few posts up for you to enjoy when you join:

This new space will undoubtedly evolve over time, so who knows what else will show up there in the future? Hope to see some of y’all there!


Cedar McCloud <3

Amazing creatives to check out for May Day! - Authors and witches I love

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a good April—today is May 1, also known as International Workers’ Day. In solidarity and celebration of all the amazing creative people I follow and consider my peers/colleagues, here’s a list of folks whose work I urge you to check out. Featuring witchy types—tarot readers, astrologers—as well as writers. Lots of folks on this list are both! In addition, everyone on this list is queer and a large number of them are also disabled/chronically ill. If that’s your life, they understand, too, and bring that perspective to their work.

The Kraken Collective - Indie Queer Speculative Fiction Authors

This year I joined the Kraken Collective, a group of indie queer speculative fiction authors working together to share resources and marketing! I’ve talked about them before, but I’ll do it again! If you’re looking for more queer SFF and horror, I highly advise you to check out the Kraken booklist below and see if anything strikes your fancy. There’s a wide range of genres and tones available, although cozy/comfort fantasy is probably most popular.

Jeanna Kadlec - Astrologer and Author

I’ve been following Jeanna for years now, and I cannot recommend all of her varied work enough! Jeanna is a professional astrologer (profiled in the NYT!) and author whose experience is rooted in leaving the evangelical community she was raised in and discovering her authentic, magical, queer self. Jeanna is the ultimate Capricorn and says things like they are, straight, with a little bit of an edge that I really love—but never with any cruelty.

My favorite thing of Jeanna’s right now is my paid subscription to her substack, Astrology for Writers. The paid version of this newsletter includes multiple posts per week about the current astrological weather, with a focus on how it may affect our lives and practices as creative folks. Jeanna’s astrological writing is clear, concise, and rich with visual imagery. And sometimes gifs and memes, lol.

In the paid subscription, you also get access to the Astrology for Writers discord server, which is an AMAZING little community! I’ve made so many cool friends there—it’s super welcoming to people of all writing/astrology levels, to folks with chronic illness/disabilities, neurodivergence, etc. One of my favorite places on the internet right now.

She also does classes, workshops, and astrological readings! I took her original Astrology for Writers course a couple years ago on scholarship and it was so enlightening and fun.

And of course I have to mention her memoir, Heretic, which not only tells the story of her exvangelical journey, but also delves into the history and effects of evangelism in America past and present. Highly, highly recommend.

Meg Jones Wall - Tarot Reader and Author

Meg is another person whose work I’ve been following for ages, and who I’ve had the opportunity to get to know in Jeanna’s discord (full disclosure: everyone on this list aside from the Kraken Collective is in that discord, lol)! Meg is an incredible tarot reader and author of Finding the Fool, a book I can’t recommend enough to anyone who is into tarot and cartomancy.

Something else Meg is well known for is their enormous library of tarot spreads! If you read cards, you should absolutely bookmark that link for reference whenever you’re looking for a specific spread for your next reading. Recently, Meg has also been posting a lot of IG reels about tarot/cartomancy as a practice, answering both common and uncommon questions with their honest, no-nonsense, but kind manner. Definitely go follow if you’re on IG.

And of course, if you have the funds, Meg also offers one-on-one services like tarot readings, workshops, and coaching/mentorship.

Siri Vincent Plouff - Witch, Teacher, Author, Small Biz Owner

I met so many cool people on Twitter back in the day, Siri being one of the few who I made sure to stay in touch with when I left in 2021 (or whenever that was). Over the years, they’ve done SO much and SO many different things! A true polymath, unafraid to change up their offerings based on what they feel called to create and offer in the moment.

Some of Siri’s most known and accessible work is The Heathen’s Journey podcast and their antiracist Heathen resources. If you follow this path or are interested in it, these are almost certainly up your alley.

Like everyone else on this list, Siri is an author! Lessons from the Empress, cowritten with Cassandra Snow, is a deep dive by two nonbinary writers into self-care, compassion, and spiritual wellness with the Empress card and tarot as a guide.

Lessons from the Empress is available now, but you can also preorder their new book, Queering the Runes: Reclaiming Ancestral Wisdom in Rune Magic and Mythology as well! Runes aren’t a type of divination I personally do, but I know from being in the divination/pagan community for so long that this book is a WELL NEEDED resource.

Siri’s most recent endeavor is the creation of Lore Books and Supplies, which is currently an online shop and witchy/occult book resource list, but will hopefully one day become a physical space for shopping, learning, and community in the Twin Cities area. We need more community spaces these days, so check it out if you’re interested in ritual supplies, books, or classes!

Cassandra Snow - Tarot Reader and Author

Cassandra is one of the nicest people I know, and extremely skilled at everything they do. Huge Pisces energy, which I love! I’ve had a few email tarot readings with them over the years, and they’re always full of insight and advice that I need in the moment—Cassandra’s readings are also extremely affordable, so if you don’t have the big bucks, you can still book a reading with them at a comfortable price.

As mentioned before, Cassandra is the cowriter of Lessons from the Empress. They also wrote the incredible books Queering the Tarot and Queering Your Craft. When I first published the Numinous Tarot, a lot of folks messaged me to ask if I knew of any good queer-focused books about tarot. At the time I didn’t really have any good suggestions, but now I point everyone towards Queering the Tarot! I’ve been reading cards for over 20 years and I still consult this book on the regular.

Like many others on this list, Cassandra is also a teacher. If you’re new to tarot or are interested but haven’t even started, Cassandra also sometimes offers classes that I think y’all would be very interested in. I’m not sure that there are any open right now, but definitely give them a follow on IG or their newsletter for updates.

Hannah Levy - Tarot Magazine Editor, Writer, Poet

Hannah is the newest person on this list! I found her work through the Astrology for Writers discord and have had a great time getting to know her and the things she does.

The first thing, of course, is that she is the founder and editor of The Rebis, a magazine celebrating tarot, art, and creative writing. I have the first two issues of The Rebis, and they’re not only FILLED with incredible work and insights on The Chariot and The Wheel of Fortune (each issue is themed around a specific card), but the physical print magazines are super high quality.

Hannah also shares her poetry and prose through her free substack, //understories//, which is beautiful and thought-provoking. Definitely give it a read.

I hope you find at least one new person whose work you enjoy on this list! Every creative person I know has been struggling with income lately, for a variety of reasons, but in no small part due to the economy and changes to social media. If you have a little extra time and/or money to support folks, it’ll be extra appreciated right now.

Whose work—witchy, writing, creative, whatever—do you wish more people knew about? Let me and others know in the comments! Feel free to promote your own work as well.

As a reminder, on April 11th, I released PARTY OF FOOLS, a comedic fantasy novella in a brand new series! Two of these novellas will be released per year so you don’t have to wait long between installments.

Ale’s well that ends well…

What happens when a wayward immortal Emperor, a halfling metal bard, and a 60-year-old barbarian queen walk into a bar? They plan a worldwide food tour, of course! But first they have to escape the capital without being caught by the Captain of the Royal Guard, who’s bent on protecting the Emperor from pesky rebels—rebels who may already be Emperor Vallora’s new friends...

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who’s gotten a copy so far—you’re really making my author dreams come true. Happy reading, and happy May Day!


Hello hello hello, friends! Party of Fools, the first novella in my new Empire of Eats series, is out today! HOORAY! A culinary comedic fantasy for fans of Legends & Lattes and Sir Terry Pratchett, as well as a nice quick read for when your brain wants a snack rather than a full course meal.

This was also when the Stranger entered the building. As a seedy bar, Ale’s Well was used to strangers. They had what you might call a diverse clientèle, the sort who didn’t ask questions and never gave easy answers when it came to who or what they were and which line of work they were in, exactly. It was fluid that way, a liminal space in which a person might become anyone or anything at all, no matter who they were on paper.

Unfortunately, liminality fit this Stranger like a corset two sizes too small. You could see the way their strongly defined character squeezed out in all the wrong places, from the set of their broad shoulders to the way their cloak swirled lyrically around their feet. Their boots were too expensive for this district despite having quite a bit of mud scraped from them before entering.

Reed and Gladys appeared not to notice the Stranger. There’s a trope in stories like these where the hero walks into the seedy tavern and everyone stops to look at them, silence falling like an anvil. That may happen sometimes, somewhere, but not this day and not here.
— Party of Fools, Chapter One


Ale's Well That Ends Well...

What happens when a wayward immortal Emperor, a halfling metal bard, and a 60-year-old barbarian queen walk into a bar? They plan a worldwide food tour, of course! But first they have to escape the capital without being caught by the Captain of the Royal Guard, who’s bent on protecting the Emperor from pesky rebels—rebels who may already be Emperor Vallora’s new friends...

Some things you will find in this book/series:

  • Food puns

  • Entirely queer ensemble cast (ace, aroace, trans, pansexual, homoromantic)

  • Extremely slow burn sapphic ace romance subplot

  • Autistic main character

  • Mostly older characters (everyone is over age 50 except for one teenager, although two of them are immortal/longer lived and generally act/look like they’re in their 30s)

  • Cheese boards

  • Unidentifiable pub food

  • An immortal dog who can read

  • Rebels who do secret theater

  • Deep fried food on sticks

  • Lots of tropes but also inversions of tropes!

  • General silliness

There are no content warnings for this first book, aside from a heavy focus on food and light casual drinking, if either of those can be uncomfortable for you. There’s no weight discussion or moralizing around the food stuff!

If you do read, please consider leaving reviews wherever you got it and/or on sites like Goodreads and StoryGraph—even if it’s just a single sentence, it REALLY helps with visibility! (And if the book isn’t on those sites yet, well, someone wanna put them up?) Even better, tell your friends if you think they’d like it! Social media for creators is really tough these days, but word of mouth still rules.

Thank you all so much for your continued support! I’m hoping to get the second novella in this series out in the fall, so you won’t have to wait long for more. I’m super excited to finally have something that’s funny and weird out in the world, and I hope you all enjoy it. <3

The Magic Pantry Tarot: Suit of Pentacles + Deck Availability Date!

Hello again, everyone, I hope March is going well for y’all so far!

Today I’ve got for you the full suit of Pentacles from the Magic Pantry Tarot—which, if you didn’t see my announcement a while back on Instagram, I finished the card art for! FINALLY! HOORAY!

This also means that I finally have a better estimate of when the deck will be available: I’m aiming to have the Kickstarter go live on May 23, 2024. Whoo!!

To keep things more manageable, this print run will be smaller than usual. There is a possibility it will sell out during the campaign, in which case it won’t be back for at least a year! I’ll be writing a longer post later about why this is and the changes I’m making to how I do business and release decks going forward. Also, of course, more info and photos about the actual deck and packaging specifications.

Now, onto today’s art reveal, the Pentacles:

So far this deck has focused heavily on single ingredients, but for this suit I went ahead and used things you have to make—bread, noodles, pastry, cake—for the court cards, because, to be honest, it was getting difficult to figure out how to visually differentiate a bunch of grains and tubers in my art style. A LOT of things look like wheat or sweet potatoes!! But considering how foundational bread, noodles, pastry, and cake are to a vast number of dishes and meals across the globe, I think it works out well.

And yes—that is older Aeronwy and June from The Thread That Binds in the pastry card (formerly the Blueberry card when this was still an oracle deck), because I can put my characters wherever I want for my own delight.

Thank you all SO MUCH for all of the encouragement and support you’ve shown me during the last, um, three years I’ve been working on this deck! More if you count the old simple square version I shared on Patreon back when I had one! I haven’t put out a brand new deck since 2020, if you can believe that.

It’s been a huge struggle due to more than one type of burnout, and I’d like to write about that experience more in depth sometime in the near future, because I think it’s important to talk about the reality of being a small business creative or any sort of creative sharing your work in this day and age. Especially a disabled one.

Hope a beautiful spring is coming to your neck of the woods in the Northern Hemisphere, and a lovely fall if you’re in the South! <3 Can’t wait to get this deck out to all of you soon :).

NEW BOOK RELEASE: Party of Fools, a comedic culinary fantasy!

SURPRISE! I have a new novella coming out, and it’s coming out SOON!


Ale's Well That Ends Well...

Resistance members Reed Thorley and Gladys the Destroyer can't believe their luck when the Immortal Emperor herself wanders into their favorite bar, unguarded and playacting an ordinary citizen. This is their chance to give the rebellion the upper hand against the Empire—after a few pints, of course. The middle-aged halfling musician and his elderly barbarian partner are seasoned enough to know that when Emperor Vallora invites them to join her worldwide food tour, their best bet is to say “Yes, chef!” and wait for an opportunity to strike.

But hot as a greased griddle behind them comes Captain Andromeda Stagge, Vallora’s personal bodyguard, intent on returning the Emperor to the palace. She's only doing her job. She isn't pissed off at being left behind. It's not as if the Emperor is her only real friend, given the difficulty of fitting in when you're a 200-year-old autistic elf from a lower-class socioeconomic background. It isn't that at all!

Vallora's worldwide food tour hinges on her ability to escape the capital city with Reed and Gladys without being caught. The Emperor isn’t supposed to be sampling local cheeses in the company of commoners. Though why the most powerful person in the Endless Empire needs to be under lock and key in Zenith Palace is anyone’s guess…

Join the party on this brand new adventure comedy as the chase ensues. Make sure you have some good food on hand, because you're bound to get hungry along the way.

Party of Fools is the first novella in a new comedic fantasy series, and it will be available in ebook and paperback on April 11, 2024. I’ll be announcing it here in the newsletter so that you won’t miss it, but I wanted to stir up some hype and show you the cover I painted that I’m absolutely in love with.

My plan with this series is to release two novellas per year, so, universe willing, the second installment will be out this fall. I’m uncertain exactly how many novellas there will be total, but the current outline is up to eight—like a good meal, there will be lots of it to enjoy.

There are no content warnings for Party of Fools, aside from the fact that it is very food-centric. I try my best to ensure that the way I discuss food, eating, diet, and weight in my work is nuanced, kind, and inclusive, but if you are sensitive to descriptions and discussions of eating, please take care.

Additionally, this will be my first release with the Kraken Collective!

You may remember them from the Kraken & Friends ebook sale back in January; the Kraken Collective is a cooperative of self-published, queer speculative fiction authors who pool their resources and support one another in order to boost everyone’s fantastic, fantastical work. I have read many books by other Kraken authors and am genuinely honored to join such a quality group of writers!

The best thing about the work done in the Kraken Collective, in my personal opinion, is the sheer originality and uniqueness of the writing, characters, and premises. Some people like to say there’s no such thing as originality anymore, but I vehemently disagree, especially when it comes to stories by marginalized authors.

Just take a look at the book list to see!

Some of my favorites I haven’t talked as much about before include:

  1. Kaia Sønderby’s Failure to Communicate (Xandri helped me realize that I’m autistic, too!)

  2. RoAnna Sylver’s Stake Sauce (huge PTSD rep, and RoAnna is hopepunk personified)

  3. D.N. Brynn’s Our Bloody Pearl (disabled ace siren MC!!)

  4. And I recently started reading Al Hess’s Mazarin Blues and am thoroughly enjoying it (a scarily accurate AI augmented near future where wearing patterned clothes and loving bright colors and decor is taboo, ahhhhh)

A huge thank you to the Kraken Collective for adding me to the roster! I’m excited to have this new series under such a cool umbrella with such cool people.

Keep an eye on your inbox or on Instagram for some more Party of Fools sneak-peeks and for the official release day announcement. I can’t wait to share this one with you all—I’ve been attempting to write a comedic fantasy for literally a decade, maybe more, and this is the first one that’s come to full fruition. I was known as the “serious friend” growing up, but now I understand how being autistic has impacted my sense of humor and the way I interact with it in the world, and I’m ready to let my absurd, silly side reign!

(Also, I recently started learning about asteroids in astrology, and it turns out I have Thalia, the muse of comedy, exactly conjunct my Mercury in Scorpio at 29 degrees. If you know, you know. An aspect of my chart I’m excited to explore alongside this new book series.)

P.S. I have been publicly quiet when it comes to speaking out on recent world events due to my very limited daily energy and feeling that other people have already said everything I would want to say, but there’s no harm in reiterating: ceasefire now, protect trans kids, peace and justice for Palestine, and everything else I hope is evident in the values I express in my work.

Take care of yourselves, and take care of each other—whatever it is you can do that comes from the shining light and the righteous anger in your soul. <3

Creative Arcana Interview + Favorite Books of 2023

Hello lovely friends and neighbors! It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I’ve actually had several blog-newsletters lined up for your reading pleasure, but January was an absolute tornado of unpleasant, out-of-my-control events for me (I’m doing fine now and am supported, but it was a lot) and I ended up taking the first half of February off to recover. Phew!

Casually sliding back into things now to chat about a couple of things. First, an interview I did on Tarot and creativity that you might like to read, and second, a somewhat belated roundup of my favorite reads from 2023. I don’t know about you, but I find a lot of the best books are ones I was recommended via word of mouth, even in today’s personally trained algorithm world. Maybe I’ll be able to pass along some of the fun!

Oh, and at the end I’ll share a little bonus semi-secret thing ;)…

Creative Arcana Interview

Last month I was honored to do a Tarot-led interview with author Chelsey Pippin for her Creative Arcana segment on The Shuffle!

She drew five cards to inspire questions about my creative process: The Devil, the Two of Wands, the Ace of Pentacles, the Nine of Cups, and the Seven of Swords. Click through to read the whole thing and see what my answers were, then consider subscribing because this newsletter is full of wonderful, magical insights and chats with other awesome creators like Meg Jones Wall (3AM.Tarot) and Hannah Levy (The Rebis)!

Favorite Books of 2023

Now onto the books! Hope something catches your eye. They’re not in any particular order as far as ranking goes. I am not the most eloquent of reviewers; after I read a book once I rarely remember the details, only how it made me feel, so this is not going to be… coherent? Mainly vibes. If it seems like there are a lot of recommendations, it’s because I read a lot this year. Enjoy!!

Traditionally Published Faves

Saint Death’s Daughter by C.S.E. Cooney - absolutely lush worldbuilding, incredible characters (the MC’s name is Miscellaneous Stones and I LOVE HER!), death and necromancy magic, shitty birth family vs loving FOUND FAMILY, queer (main romance is f/nb), ending that surprised me! Also this book is L O N G and it DESERVES to be L O N G so it can really hammer you with its nuanced and deep themes/messaging.

Witch King by Martha Wells - look, I absolutely love a book that goes back and forth between two different time periods, one of them eventually leading up to the other. I am just a sucker for that specific tension build. This book is pretty much flawless??? Excellent worldbuilding that is just kind there rather than explained to you directly, vibrant, loveable characters, fantastic relationships with plenty of incredible banter.

A Furious Sky: A Five-Hundred Year History of America's Hurricanes by Eric J. Dolin - I don’t know what else to say other than: I really like learning about hurricanes, natural disasters, volcanoes, extreme weather, etc. and if you do too, this is a GREAT book! I read like four hurricane books this summer while packing Kickstarter orders and this was my favorite of them.

Color: A Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay - this might be one of my top three nonfiction books of all time and I read a LOT of nonfiction. I wish I’d found this book during my initial research for The Thread That Binds, but it’s still helping me a lot with the worldbuilding for how Illumination works. Are you an artist? Do you like paint? Ever wondered where old, original natural pigments come from and how they intertwine with history and land? Victoria Finlay has an engaging voice and is a fantastic investigator digging up all sorts of fascinating details in her research.

Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by Mary Roach - Mary Roach is a well known pop-science nonfiction writer and her books never disappoint me. It’s definitely on the lighter side of information density compared to the above book by Victoria Finlay, but sometimes that’s what you’re in the mood for. This book about the intersection of humans, wildlife, and human law is at once hilarious and sobering. If you are extremely sensitive to the topic of animal death, I don’t suggest you read it, but it is an illuminating and respectful look at the matter.

Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by Kristen O’Neal - I read this book in one single sitting in one single day. I literally haven’t done that in YEARS, possibly in the last DECADE. This new adult novel (the characters are early college age/late teens) is at once hilarious and heartfelt and a little heartbreaking and as a disabled person I felt SO SEEN and also SO ENCOURAGED by everything the characters go through. I want to assure you that it goes beyond just using being a werewolf as a metaphor for chronic illness—the narrating main character has a regular, real chronic illness herself and the take is well done. It’s also fantastically friendship-focused rather than romantic, which I like seeing more of. The characters in this book are online-turned-IRL friends and their online convos and such feel so real. PLEASE READ!!

Self Published/Small Press Faves

The Bookshop and the Barbarian by Morgan Stang - very cute and cozy! It’s basically what it says on the tin: a woman buys an old bookshop in a small town (in a magical secondary world) and ends up hiring a local barbarian woman as help. They fall in love, struggle with their personal pasts, and with local landlords. Apparently the author usually writes much darker stuff, but I thought this venture was well done.

Chosen. Again. by J. Emery - Full disclaimer, J. is one of my internet writer friends so I am biased. This book has been out for some time but I hadn’t gotten around to it. It’s about a former Chosen One who after many years is taken back to the magical world she once had an adventure in—and discovers that things didn’t end happily ever after. This book’s deconstruction and continuation of the Chosen One trope and related tropes is fantastic. J is so good at making interesting characters and just setting up a really SOLID story that keeps you interested from start to finish and feels really satisfying. With a good dose of dry/dark humor thrown in!

Hugs & Quiches by Candace Harper - Again, Candace is in my internet writer circle so: bias. I have told many people about this book, which I bought like THREE YEARS AGO and then let it sit on my Kindle, as things do! Which is a shame because the premise “Two women chefs fall in love while contestants on a TV cooking show contest” is really all you need to convince people to read it. This f/f rivals-to-lovers is sweet and steamy, with main characters who are firmly in adulthood and feel relatable to me as a 30-something. Also if you like shows like Chopped or Iron Chef……you’ll like this!

Awakenings by Claudie Arsenault - This one is like double cheating because a) it wasn’t actually out yet in 2023, and I read it because b) Claudie is a very good friend of mine, and so I got to be one of her beta readers. I promoted the Kickstarter she had for the first three books in this cozy adventure fantasy series a while back, and here I am promoting the first book again now that it’s on sale! Do you like DnD? Do you like cozy fantasy but also a little bit of fighting action and training montages? Do you like board games and banter? Looking for not one but TWO aroace nonbinary main characters??? It’s officially out now!

Well, there you have it! I hope you check some of these out! If you already read and enjoyed some of the same books, I’d love to hear about it in the comments. I’d also love to hear your own recommendations.

Illuminated Dreams

Now for that semi-secret thing. You may have seen this illustration on Instagram (or not, who knows whether the algorithm shows anyone anything these days), but over there I didn’t fully talk about why I drew it:

On IG I said that this is an illustration for the beginning of The Thread That Binds, and that’s true! You see, I have this dream of creating illustrated—illuminated!—special edition versions of the Eternal Library series, because, well, why wouldn’t I?

The only thing holding me back is how extensive such projects would be. Particularly because, though this art-nouveau watercolor painting is the style I’d want for Book 1, my brain wants to make embroidered/applique fabric scenes for Book 2 and linocut prints for Book 3, to match the media the characters most enjoy…and at a “minimum” of one illustration per chapter, that’s like 36 for Book 1, 32 for Book 2, and oh gods, who knows how many chapters there’ll end up being in Book 3! Not to mention Book 4, whatever media that one takes.

So the secret is that maybe one day these things will exist. Maybe if I poke away at them, or something. I’m so incredibly pleased with this first one that I want to keep going. But you know me, I have a lot of limitations these days. Only time will tell if this dream will one day become a reality!

How’s 2024 treating you all so far? I hope you are all able to care for yourselves and your loved ones in these continually troubled times. <3

The Magic Pantry Tarot: Suit of Wands + Queer Book Sale

Happy New Year, friends! Welcome to 2024! How is it 2024? Time is fake, I guess!

Today I’m bringing you a couple of exciting things: the Magic Pantry Tarot suit of Wands and… a huge multi-author queer book sale! Let’s start off with the cards:

The Suit of Wands

The suit of Wands in the Magic Pantry Tarot is represented by herbs and spices! A crucial part of cooking that adds so much flavor and creativity to the dishes we eat. It’s one of the broadest categories I tackled in this deck, and it was difficult to narrow down which spices and herbs I wanted to showcase out of dozens if not hundreds available. Spices are also heavily dependent on culture. What I ended up with is based on what I personally learned to cook with and like to use.

Here we go:

Which one is your favorite? Mine is definitely the Garlic card.

Because of my IBS and GERD, I can’t really eat garlic anymore (or onions… curse you oligosaccharides) without triggering one or both. I can tolerate small amounts of dried garlic in foods, but raw is absolutely out of the question. I know, I know! I used to be one of those people who tripled the amount of garlic cloves in any given recipe. How do I live??

The truth is that after avoiding garlic for over five years now, I find it overpowering in both taste and smell. I don’t miss it as much as I did initially, because my body’s response to it has changed. Wild! That’s the main factor behind my depiction of garlic in this deck, aside from its use in protective magic and its antibacterial properties.

Now, onto another exciting thing.

Kraken & Friends Queer Book Sale and Personality Quiz

I’m pleased to announce that I am one of the “friends” in the Kraken and Friends book sale, which starts today, January 17, 2023, and goes through January 22nd.

Thirty indie authors with queer SFF books gathered in a single fun sale! On the special page set up by author Claudie Arsenault, you can browse these 99¢ books by identities, genre, and other filters, or take our fun personality quiz to find out which of our queer protagonists you are!

The Thread That Binds is included in this sale, so if you’ve been looking to pick up the first Eternal Library ebook, now’s a great time to do so. You can find links to different places to get it here.

One of The Thread That Binds characters is featured in the personality quiz, of course! If you take the quiz and get Rhiannon, let me know in the comments. I got Heron from Dirt-Stained Hands, Thorn-Pierced Skin!

Yep, sounds like me, haha! I’ll have to check this book out and see who Heron is…

Once again, Happy New Year! Here’s hoping that we can do our best to work towards a better world in 2024. <3

Indie Ink Awards Voting + The Magic Pantry Tarot: Suit of Swords

Hello again, friends! It’s December now and I’m back to share with you an exciting request to vote for my books in the Indie Ink Awards, plus a reveal of the full suit of Swords for the Magic Pantry Tarot. Yay!

Vote for the Eternal Library in the Indie Ink Awards

I'm honored this year to have both of my books nominated in several categories for the 2nd annual Indie Ink Awards, hosted in part by Indie Story Geek, a site which catalogues, highlights, and reviews indie and small press books. A much needed service on today's internet!

To vote, click here to head on over to Indie Story Geek. There you can make a quick account (this is to discourage cheating) and then click on the categories that you'd like to vote for and find your winning book there (even if it’s not mine!). You get one vote per category, but you can vote in as many categories as you like! Below I’ve provided links to the categories my books are nominated in so you can find them faster.

The Thread That Binds (Book 1) has been nominated in the categories of:

The Tale That Twines (Book 2) has been nominated in the categories of:

Both books have been nominated in the categories of:

Vote as you see fit, based on your honest opinion! Though if there's one category I really feel like I deserve to become a finalist for, it's The Thread That Binds for "Best Mentor." Aeronwy and June deserve it!!

Voting is open for two weeks starting December 15th. Thank you so much for the nominations and for the chance to be a finalist ❤️ It really means a lot to me to have the recognition!

The Suit of Swords for the Magic Pantry Tarot

Now onto tarot stuff!

This suit is represented by vegetables, which I think is appropriate since the swords are the suit with the most struggle, and many people struggle with liking vegetables, even as adults. Personally I love most vegetables, and salad is one of my favorite foods, but I am here to validate many other people’s taste as well! (Also: I don’t like spinach. Lol.)

Many vegetables have bitter components, especially if overcooked, and the suit of swords contains many bitter lessons itself…lessons we may need to learn, just as we generally should be consuming vegetables if we can, for their nutrients. You may need to find ways to make them more palatable with added ingredients, and some may be out of reach depending on your neighborhood and finances, but both vegetables and swords bring a lot to the table.

And, for the record: yes, tomatoes are technically fruits. You know what else is technically a fruit? Cucumbers, eggplants, squash, pumpkins, and many other foods we typically label as vegetables! But for whatever reason, no one comes up with the “well, actually” when you mention them. Tomatoes are functionally vegetables as much as these other foods are in the way they’re prepared and eaten, and so here they are! In the swords suit! Thank you, haha.

Without further ado, the Swords:

I’m really proud of how these turned out! Thank you all for sticking with me on this journey the past few years, I hope you all are having a lovely end to 2023 and a good holiday season, if you’re celebrating. Keep being your wonderful selves and making the world a better place.

- Cedar <3

The Magic Pantry Tarot: Suit of Cups

It’s official… I have finished* the artwork for all of the pip and court cards in the Magic Pantry Tarot!! That’s fifty-six illustrations (more, actually, because I redid a few) down, twenty-five to go (there will be three alternate vegan cards in the Major Arcana in addition to the regular twenty-two)!

(*Will I decide to redo a few more illustrations before publication to ensure everything is up to standard and cohesive? I might.)

For the next few newsletters/blog posts, I’ll be showing you the finished art for the suits, starting with Cups, which I think might be my favorite. I am a Scorpio sun and November 10th is my birthday (I’m turning 33 this year!); the card associated with this decan of Scorpio is the Six of Cups. The Queen of Cups is also associated with Scorpio, as are several other cards. Cups are water and I am a very watery person, astrologically speaking, and very emotional, so these cards get me.

In this deck, Cups are represented by sweet and beautiful fruit. I LOVE FRUIT SO MUCH! I cannot express to you the joy that fruit brings me, and now living in southern California, I have access to it in abundance and at much cheaper prices than when I lived elsewhere.

Is this in large part because of unsustainable irrigation practices used in the United States to grow most of its produce in sunny California? Yes, yes it is. And importation from far off places like New Zealand and Chile as well. Overindulgence is something we might well want to be aware of when it comes to cups—and to how our fruit is grown, specifically its impact on our environment.

If you’ve been following this project for a while, you’ll have seen the majority of the Cups illustrations already. Due to my love of both fruit and the Cups suit, they were the first ones I ended up painting and so I had most of them done before the big break I took earlier this year. This is the first time all fourteen will be together, though, with the right titles.


The Magic Pantry Tarot: Suit of Cups

Which one is your favorite? How do you feel about fruit in general? What’s your favorite recipe that features fruit? Let me know in the comments!

<3 Cedar

More Magic Pantry Cards & Cozy Fantasy Book Rec!

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well now that it is officially Spooky Season! October has long been one of my favorite months, typically because I enjoy mild weather over hot or cold, because Halloween was my favorite holiday for a long time (no idea what it is these days), and my birthday is in a month’s time. Whoo!

In this post you’ll find, in this order:

  1. General life update/musings

  2. Magic Pantry Tarot update, with new card pictures

  3. The Flame That Sings update, with line excerpts


Read it all or read just what you like :)

Life, In General

Here in southern California, it’s finally starting to cool off after the usual blazing summer, although we had a small heat wave this past week which ruined the fun for a moment. I’ve been doing a lot more exploring of my local area in the San Fernando Valley, appreciating the nature that still exists despite colonization and getting to know the history of the land better.

Did you know that Los Angeles and the valley used to have wetlands? Many people think of LA as a desert, but it isn’t. Though the average rainfall is low compared to other places, in actuality, some years get quite a lot more rain than others, fluctuating back and forth. Before they were covered in concrete, the Los Angeles River and its tributaries also brought water down from higher elevations where there is more precipitation and snowfall, often flooding and creating vibrant marshlands. Even heavily changed by colonizers, it’s still a very interesting region and biome.

You can view maps here of historical ecology of the area, and over here you can sign a petition to help create a marine sanctuary off the coast to protect sacred costal waters of the Chumash tribe, whether you live in the area or not!

Magic Pantry Tarot Update

While not exploring, I’ve been continuing to work on the Magic Pantry Tarot! Here are some more cards, some of which you may have seen videos of on Instagram lately:

If you’re wondering why we’re skipping around now instead of going chronologically through a suit, it’s because that’s just where the deck is. Some of the cards I painted while still planning for an oracle deck are being repurposed, like for the Queen of Pentacles: Pastry, which used to be the Blueberry card. Eventually I’ll scan everything, add titles, and put up comprehensive galleries.

I’ve got about eight cards left to do in the pips and courts before we move on, at last, to…the Major Arcana!! I love the cards I’ve done so far, but those are the ones I’m really excited about—and I know you all will be, too.

The Flame That Sings

I’ve also continued to work on Eternal Library book 3, which is now at 20k words! I wish that were a significant amount, but this book is going to be so, so long, and I am a chronic over-writer on early drafts. Based on where I am in the outline, I am concerned that my 180-200k word finished estimate is too small and that it might be in the 250k range. For comparison, the first two books were around 140-155k. Oops?

Have some fun out of context, unedited bits:

“Wasn’t your interview yesterday?” Siobhan asks. I’m sure e’s glad for the change in subject, but I’m not. “How did it go?”

“It,” I say with difficulty, “went.”

Inyene lets his arms fall to his legs with a smack. “Coming from anyone else, I’d assume that meant it was bad. With you, it could mean anything. You’ve got to give us more than that.”

“I bet it went really well, but in an unexpected way, which is making em upset,” says Siobhan pointedly, and Inyene makes a noise of agreement.

I sigh and say, “I hate you both.”

June squeezes my waist, then lets go. E pushes the bridge of eir glasses up with one finger, a small gesture I’ve become intimately familiar with over the last three years. The freckles on eir nose and cheeks are constellations I’ve memorized while listening to em tell long-winded stories about everything and nothing in particular. Eir eyes are circles of summer sky, bright even when it rains.

“You’re always so warm,” June says, nuzzling eir face into my neck.

“My regular body temperature is one hundred and four point two,” I reply.

“That’s very specific.”

“No more so than ninety-eight point six.”

“True. No wonder you’re always so hot,” June says, with a giggle that alerts me to the fact that this is, in fact, a double entendre.

“Your flirting is as bad as your jokes,” I reply, even though such a basic acknowledgment of attraction sends a flush of heat through my body.

“So, not bad at all, but very good and very obvious?”

“Yes, that is precisely what I meant.”

I’ll be working on this steadily every Thursday for as long as it takes. Having a lot of fun so far! Things are already taking a darker turn as we get into Aeronwy’s backstory, at this point stories about when e first came to Caspora City some years prior. A tad worried about how cozy this one will be compared to the first two books, given the dark bits. We’ll see!


Cozy Fantasy Book Recommendation

I’ve been meaning to start including reading recommendations in my blog/newsletter for a while now. What better place to start than this brand new cozy adventure fantasy series from my very good friend, Claudie Arsenault?

Yes, grain of salt, this is a recommendation for a friend’s work, but look. I read three of Claudie’s books (City of Strife, City of Deceit, Baker Thief) before we became friends via Twitter back in 2018 and was immediately hooked. Claudie is an amazing fantasy author whose work has more aro and ace-spectrum characters per square inch than anyone else I know (she also runs the Aro Ace Character Database), and by that ALONE, I know this is a great match for so much of my own audience.

The thing I love most about Claudie’s work is that her characters are so incredibly loveable. Even the villains are the sort that you just love to hate. They give every story so much heart, along with some good laughs and a few tears, on occasion. Her work is infused with a strong sense of loving political justice that represents more of what we need in our own world. It is both honest and hopeful, in this regard.

Recently, Claudie has made the risky jump to attempting writing as a full time job—her existing work sells very well, but there’s still a bit to go. Having just finished the City of Spires series (WHICH I ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMEND), she’s moved on to a brand new dive into adventure of a cozier nature with The Chronicles of Nerezia.

The EXTREMELY good cover for the first installment in the series!

Innkeep, hunter, blacksmith, nurse—Horace has apprenticed for every clan in the domed city of Trenaze, and they’ve all rejected em. Too hare-brained. Too talkative. Too slow. Ever the optimist, e has joined Trenaze’s guards to be mentored. Horace has high hopes to earn eir place during eir trial at the Great Market. That is, until the glowing shards haunting the world break through the city’s protective dome, fused together in a single, monstrous amalgam of Fragments.

Armed with a sword, a shield, and far too little training, Horace doubts eir ability to defend the market-goers. But eir last stand is interrupted by a mysterious elven figure who can dissipate the Fragments with a single, strange sentence: your story is my story.

From the moment it is uttered, Horace knows the sentences holds true for em, too—and when the elf collapses in the middle of the market, e carries them to safety, to recover away from the panicked crowd and inevitable questions from eir fellow guards. It could cost em eir apprenticeship—eir last chance to find eir place in eir home city—but Horace cannot resist the pull of this mystery elf and the call of a new friend.

Aliyah has but one desire: to leave Trenaze’s safe boundaries and find the forest that haunts their dreams. After an afternoon of board games in their quiet, sharp-witted company, Horace is ready to follow, confronting Fragments and other dangers of the road to understand what happened that day, hear Aliyah’s laugh again and finally feel like e belongs.

You can get the first three novellas for an extremely low price on Kickstarter, starting today, along with digital copies of Claudie’s other incredible work at equally low prices. The Kickstarter is meant to cover the costs of editing and cover illustration that self-published authors have to pay out of pocket and will be an immense help versus buying them later. Plus, you get them ahead of the public release schedule.

I have read the first novella in this series in advance, and I absolutely love it. The POV character, Horace (e/em), is a giant cinnamon roll who just wants to help people and find eir place in the world. The relationship that Horace immediately strikes up over board games with another stoic main character, Aliyah (they/them), is delightful, and I can’t wait to see how their friendship progresses.

Now, I will point out, this is cozy adventure, so there still is fighting and such. But in between that stuff is all sorts of board/card game playing, banter, cooking, cleaning, and everything of that nature. I know about the later characters who come into the party and how good Claudie is at character relationships/dynamics and I can’t WAIT.

Think of it as a party of quirky queer DnD characters going on a bunch of side quests in a bigger-on-the-inside sentient magic wagon and you’ve got the vibe.

Go check it out and give Claudie your support today!!

That’s it for today! I’ve got cards to sketch, a book to write, and some ongoing health things to attend to. Fingers crossed I can get another painting vlog out for you all later this month, but if not, I hope your Spooky Season is suitably Spooky :)

Love, Cedar


Something I hope to do while working on the Magic Pantry Oracle Tarot and writing the third book in the Eternal Library series is to share progress and updates with all of you along the way! I was pretty quiet while working on The Tale That Twines, as I was recovering from burnout, but now I’m feeling a lot better and ready to chat about progress and such with all of you.

The Magic Pantry Oracle Tarot

One of the fun things I have for you is a new painting video! This one is way shorter than my previous painting videos, in part because this painting literally took less time than the book cover illustrations, but also because I’m learning a lot more as I go about how to edit and pace these things.

This video is just under twelve minutes long, with footage of me working on the Six of Pentacles while chatting calmly about the painting process, the meaning of the card, and a few little life updates.

On top of that, here are a bunch of new illustrations for the Magic Pantry Oracle Tarot:

These are (clearly) just photos of the paintings, without titles on them yet, but here we have the Five through Ten of Pentacles! Millet, Barley, Oats, Corn, Amaranth, and Wheat in that order.

Yes, this deck started out as a Tarot deck, then I changed my mind and announced it as an oracle, and now it’s back to being Tarot. In addition to the autistic burnout, I have struggled with some burnout in recent years when it comes to cartomancy, in no small part because making and selling decks is my job. It all started to feel a bit too clinical, like I was seeing it solely as a product and not as a product that is also a spiritual tool with meaning and heart.

Being in online Tarot spaces has felt exhausting at times. Learning, growing and being thoughtful about how we depict people, cultures, gender, and other identities in Tarot is important to me. However, due to the format of social media, I was getting overwhelmed by so many very strong voices with a lot of different opinions all coming in at once. I process information more slowly than many people and get easily overstimulated by a lot of information at once. It ended up putting me in a frozen state where I couldn’t think or make my own decisions about my work—not because anyone was saying mean things or because I felt they were wrong, but because of how much was all being communicated in a short time period.

Anyone else struggle with this?

Anyway, I feel truly excited about this deck again! For a hot second in late spring, I thought I might abandon deck making altogether and just focus on writing. Ironically, making that decision freed me up from the feeling of financial obligation that was hanging heavy over my deck work. Making a spiritual/magical tool just to pay the rent and no other reason (not to say you shouldn’t make money off of a spiritual career, but there should be more than just the desire to make money there, if that makes sense) was not enough motivation for me to do the work.

Currently, I hope to keep my focus on the Magic Pantry Tarot until the main artwork is finished. Fingers crossed I can do that this fall, but as we well know, life often interferes when you have uncertain health issues on the table. I’ll be posting new illustrations regularly to IG as well as making updates here.

The Flame That Sings (Eternal Library Book 3)

I have officially started writing Eternal Library book 3, which is titled The Flame That Sings! Technically, I wrote the first paragraph of it back in the spring, right after I finished The Tale That Twines, because I was vibing and because it literally picks up RIGHT where we left off—the first time I’ve ever done that in a sequel, somehow. This is the eleventh book I’ve written in my life and the third series, but previously, I only wrote sequels that were overlapping stand-alones in the same universe or “many years later, the MC’s kids” style. Weird, lol!

A photo of a drawing featuring young Mairead and Aeronwy when they first met. The focus on their relationship will be HEAVY in this one.

Here are the opening lines to The Flame That Sings, because I love them, and I love them even more because beginnings are the absolute hardest part of writing for me. It’s narrated by, as promised, young Aeronwy:

The moment I step foot into the Head Librarian’s office, my betrayal is complete. I am in the heart of the enemy fortress, facing three formidable foes: the Head Librarian emself and two senior Illuminators. The Scriptivist overlords who strip the life from story and taxidermy it into a blasphemous, unchanging, immortal form from which there is no escape. Tools of a fascist regime which will burn in the rivers of fire and choke on the clouds of ash which will one day descend from the holy peak of Mount Cináed on high in retribution for their crimes.

I am here for a job interview, in hopes of joining them.
— Opening lines from THE FLAME THAT SINGS

Aeronwy’s narration style is very different from everyone we’ve seen previously (Tabby, Rhiannon, Amane, and June), and I AM HAVING A LOT OF FUN WITH IT.

I regret to confirm that it is going to be a couple years before this book is out, but that’s what these little updates and sneak peeks will be for in the meantime. With The Tale That Twines, I was able to focus on JUST drafting the book and made it my priority project. Right now, the Magic Pantry Tarot is my priority project. I’ve reserved a full day per week to write, but there will be an MPT Kickstarter next year that takes up a lot of time, and who knows what else. Phew!

Also this book… is going to be… LONG. Longer than the previous two. Uhuhu.

I will say, though, that it is farther along already that it might seem. In 2021, I wrote a full draft of “book 2” which was actually book 2 and 3 in one volume. After writing it, and after writing several large chunks of book 3 content that I thought MIGHT actually be book 2 (I’m talking 30k word chunks) trying to get the timeline of the books straight, I ended up splitting June and Aeronwy’s prequel stories the way they exist currently. This means that The Flame That Sings has essentially already had a draft zero. And a zero point five. Or six.

Hopefully that means good things for the length of the process going forward.

Here are some more quotes from the first 5k words of the book so far, because I can’t help myself and I think they are funny. Whether they will make it into the book or not in the end, we just don’t know. Also, they are raw and unedited!

The Flame in my lungs smolders with barely repressed anxiety. This would be the worst of all places to have a meltdown and fill the room with smoke. Open flame is not allowed in the Library, for obvious reasons. I reassure myself that I am not an open flame so long as I don’t allow any to escape my body. I am merely, as Mairead would say, the equivalent of a human lighter.

A sacrilegious way to describe a Flamekeeper, spouse to the Star-Crowned goddex of fire and creator of Caspora, who gifted these magical Flames to the exalted leaders of my ancient ancestors. I have already committed worse spiritual crimes, so I will allow it.
“—which is normal enough. Don’t forget, all three of us have been in your position before,” says Rose. “Let’s cut to the chase, relax, dispose of the usual question list.”

Please don’t. Those are the ones I prepared for.

I’m going to have so much fun with this one. It’s finally cooling down here in Southern California (for the moment) after so much heat, and though I’ve, as usual, got some weird health things on the table, I’m feeling good about the work I’m doing. Hope you all are having a good end to the summer and start to fall!

The Tale That Twines Official Release!

THE DAY IS HERE! Book two in the Eternal Library Series, The Tale That Twines, is finally available to the public in both paperback and ebook! Yaaaaay!

Paperback version of The Tale That Twines, book two.

The matching cover version of The Thread That Binds, book one, is also now available! I also still have a lot of copies of the limited Tabby-cover book for less if you’re on a budget.

Paperback copy of The Thread That Binds, book one.

If you missed the Kickstarter or pre-order period, you can now get The Tale That Twines directly from Numinous Spirit Press or various other places. Book one, The Thread That Binds, and the Threadbound Oracle, which ties in to the same universe, are also available in the same places as always (links are all in the buttons below).

(P.S. if you DID back the Kickstarter and never got a tracking email or are having any issues with your rewards, PLEASE CHECK THE MOST RECENT UPDATE BLOGS HERE and then follow the instructions based on your situation!)

If you’re not super familiar with the Eternal Library, it’s a cozy adult fantasy series about an intergenerational found family of queer magic bookbinders! Both books released so far center around the main characters’ journeys through an apprenticeship in Illumination—an ancient art of hand-crafted magical books that never die with age. If you are an artist, craftsperson, or someone who enjoys the arts, you’ll probably love the detailed and loving focus on the process of hand bookbinding, drawing, lettering, printing, papermaking, natural pigments, thread spinning, paintmaking, and more.

The thing about Illumination is that it isn’t just a physical craft. It requires spiritual growth and healing from the Illuminator if they want to succeed. In The Thread That Binds, Tabby and Amane deal with past family trauma and perfectionism through dreamwalking and cartomancy, while in The Tale That Twines, June struggles to recover from past traumatic memory loss through etheric cord reading. Every apprentice, despite being adults themselves (in their mid 20s to early 30s), has an older, wiser mentor figure (usually age 60+) there to guide them through the process, an aspect which is always a strong focus of the book.

The Eternal Library Series takes place in a secondary fantasy world similar to ours, but with IRL witchcraft-like magic that’s been turned up a few notches. They have magic technology (cell phones! computers! multispectral imaging!!) that may feel comfortingly familiar while still offering an escape from real life. Book one takes place in the equivalent of 2018 while Book two, a prequel, goes back to the equivalent of 1978 and all that entails for tech. Culture and history in the books tend to break away from that of real life into its own thing (this is not an alt-Earth!!), but still takes a little bit of inspiration.

Caspora, the Pacific Northwest-like country the books take place in, is a queernorm society without a cultural concept of gender, though gender does exist elsewhere in the globe! Rather than be one strict version of “androgynous,” Casporans are simply free to dress, look, act, and express themselves as they see fit without an assigned gender role. So you’ll see plenty of things we’d consider “gendered,” like characters wearing dresses or make-up, characters who have facial hair or breasts or other “obvious” secondary sexual characteristics, without that indicating anything other than their personal aesthetic preference or natural body type. Most of the characters in the Eternal Library series use e/em/eir(s) pronouns and, though they wouldn’t use the word for themselves, are effectively what we’d call agender and nonbinary.

(Obviously this situation is not every person’s dream, not even every nonbinary person’s! It’s just my personal fantasy that I hope other people enjoy. There are still characters with binary and trans identities in the book!)

Caspora also recognizes asexual and aromantic spectrum identities, and indeed, many of the main characters fall under those labels! Book one has aroace narrator Rhiannon and gray-ace narrator Tabby, who are in a long term queerplatonic relationship at the start of the story, as well as several secondary characters (AKA the mentors who are the MCs in the prequel haha). Book two has single narrator June, who is demisexual and demiromantic, as well as gray-romantic love interest Aeronwy and aromantic best friend Siobhan. Both books feature polyamorous relationships, another thing that’s normal in Caspora.

Caspora, not having gender, doesn’t really have words for gender-based sexual orientations, but other places in the world do, hence characters like Amane identifying as pansexual. Basically, everyone is queer in some way or another.

The first book, The Thread That Binds, doesn’t outright state that any of the characters are neurodivergent, but they definitely are. I didn’t discover that I myself am autistic and ADHD (combined acroynm = auDHD) until after publishing book one, so those experiences and traits were sprinkled in among the characters without recognizing what I was doing! I made up for this in book two by outright confirming that June (the sole narrator) is auDHD, while love interest Aeronwy is autistic. Both of them are also mentor figures in book one, and I’m going to confirm on the page later in the series that Rhiannon is also on the autism spectrum. Just throwing that out there now, haha. Tabby also clearly has cPTSD even if it isn’t mentioned by name, which also falls under the broad neurodivergent umbrella by many people’s reckoning.

There are multiple characters with physical disabilities, chronic illness, d/Deaf characters, and generally an air of inclusiveness by society for those things! Why make it a queer fantasy utopia and leave in all the ableism???

Before you read all this thinking it’s nothing but warm fuzzies, I will go back to the fact that the main plots of both books center around trauma healing. There is a list of trigger warnings in the front of both books and on the pages of my website if you want to check them out (links are at the bottom of this blog).

That said, I have been told that even those difficult parts of the book can be like a warm hug, because it’s clear that it’s going to be all right in the end, because people feel seen, and because there’s a strong element of encouragement and acknowledgement and care. I do my best not to cover up the dark reality of these things, which are based on my own experiences, while also maintaining a ray of hope. I’ve had therapists say they recommend my books to clients and others say they were partly inspired to write/research about the power of stories and art in healing! The best compliments EVER!

Then, of course, there is the Threadbound Oracle. I devised the Threadbound Oracle’s structure/system for the Eternal Library Series, though back then it was going to be a huge graphic novel series instead of in written prose. I wanted one of the main characters to be a Tarot reader, but since it’s a secondary fantasy world, I didn’t just want to throw Tarot in there with no explanation. I based the Threadbound Oracle somewhat off of traditional Tarot and also off of the characters and story themselves (though some of that changed over time as I completed the deck ages before I completed the first novel, lol) so that it could both exist in-universe and in real life.

The Threadbound Oracle in real life.

In The Thread That Binds, the Threadbound Oracle is a magic bookbinding/Illumination-themed deck that Amane specializes in and uses throughout her journey as a main character in that book. In real life, the real Threadbound Oracle illustrations feature the characters and places of the books! Very meta, I know. You definitely don’t have to read the books to use the Oracle, but it will help deepen your understanding of it.

These books, characters, and cards all come from deep in my heart, and it’s such a privilege to be able to share them with you all! I’m so pleased by the reaction and reception that the deck and book one have gotten since they were released in fall 2020, and now here in fall 2023, I hope you enjoy the next installment in the story. Your words of encouragement keep me going when times are rough in the creative process, or when I’m deep in self doubt.

This month I’ll be starting work on book three, The Flame That Sings, the second prequel which will be narrated by young Aeronwy. Aeronwy is my favorite character (and many other people’s from what I gather, hehe), so I’m SUPER STOKED for this one! It’s going to be EVEN LONGER than the first two books! Oops!! It’ll be at least two years before publication, but I’m planning to share updates along the way with y’all one way or another.

My current favorite drawing of young Aeronwy (left) and June (right).

If you read this far, thank you SO MUCH, and I hope that if you’re not already invested in the Eternal Library, that this has gotten you more interested! You can also read the back-of-the-book blurbs, the entirety of Chapter One from both books, and find links to where to get them here:

If you’ve already got the books and/or decks and want to support them more, TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM! Tell your followers on social media! Post reviews! Word of mouth is still the absolute best advertising even in today’s algorithmic hellscape.

Much love and peace to you all!

<3 Cedar

Raw Inspiration Particles: What if I have too many writing ideas??

Hi friends, it’s been a while since I posted a blog! This one’s more than just a project update—it’s some organized thoughts about a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately: what do you do when you have more writing ideas than you have time to spend on them? I’ll share some tips and tricks that I’ve found helpful in the 20+ years I’ve been a writer and some examples from my own struggles and experience!

(also, just a reminder, that the Pride Month S-A-L-E ends at midnight tomorrow, Friday June 30th!! if you were planning on grabbing a deck or book.)

So, grab a cup of tea, coffee, bubbly water, or other fun drink of your choice, and join me to chat a little about what to do when you feel like you’ve been hit by a Texas-sized meteor of writing ideas, and there’s no Bruce Willis around to save you.


The question, “Where do you get your ideas?” is often derided in writer circles, and most books about writing I’ve read by popular authors do not have a good answer for it, at least not one that would satisfy the sort of person or interviewer who asks it.

The truth about ideas for writing and where they come from is different for everyone, but for me, they tend to come from asking “What if?” questions about something interesting I’ve seen in real life. That may seem weird for someone who writes exclusively fantasy books, but the fantasy part is where the “What if?” comes in. What if books, but magic? What regular college kid, but also a parallel world of faeries? What if you could make a pact with a god to breathe fire? Basically, What if things were different somehow?

From there it’s a matter of extrapolation. If this, then that. And as you may well have experienced, the branching path of possible story beats and directions can seem rather endless. A fractal tree of choose-your-own-adventure cause and effect that eventually leads to a completed novel.

There’s also this explanation from the late and much beloved Sir Terry Pratchett in his book, Wyrd Sisters. I read this book when I was a teen back in the 2000s, and felt immediately seen by this bit:

Particles of raw inspiration sleet through the universe all the time. Every once in a while one of them hits a receptive mind, which then invents DNA or the flute sonata form or a way of making light bulbs wear out in half the time. But most of them miss. Most people go through their lives without being hit by even one.

Some people are even more unfortunate. They get them all

At the time, I was like, “Oh, me, me, me, that’s me!!!!” and while that feeling has gone up and down over the years, it feels extremely relatable in this moment right now, halfway through the year of our lord 2023, I can’t believe it’s 2023, but whatever, time isn’t real the way we think it’s real, it’s fine.


But time is unfortunately real enough for us as mortal, linear beings that we consider it a finite resource. What I’m saying is, that I currently have far more ideas for novels, novellas, books, stories, comics, games, decks, whatever, than I can currently work on simultaneously, given the number of hours and amount of energy I have in the day.

I could just save some for later, right? Go through them one or two at a time until they’re all completed, yes? I wish. The thing is, that I will keep getting new ideas. The pile never shrinks, it only grows. Much like the unread section of my bookshelf and kindle, I accumulate stories far faster than I am able to finish them.

I finished writing my first novel at fifteen, and since then I’ve written ten novels which I consider “finished,” though very few have gone on to end up published, along with a small handful of unpublished novellas and probably a dozen short stories. I have…probably two to three times more drafts which I consider “unfinished.” This does not count all the ideas that I have, say, drawn character sketches for or that I have a mental premise of but have not started writing outlines or chapters for—or never did, in the case of past ideas, but you get the picture.

Above, an example of my current folder of “Unfinished Book Ideas,” lol.

It’s always been like this. I have journal entries from my teen years complaining about this exact problem, and I had more energy and leisure time then than I do now as a decrepit 32 year old. (I jest. Thirty-two is not actually decrepit, it’s quite young in the long term scheme, haha.)

HOWEVER! I can say that over the years, I have developed some strategies for dealing with this admittedly first world problem a little better. I shall now share them with you in the hopes that it may help you with turning your own ideas into reality! And with coming to terms with the fact that no, we will never have enough time for it all… and that’s okay.

As always, this is just what works for me. What works for you may be the complete opposite approach, and that’s what’s so awesome about creativity! There’s no one way to approach it. But in case it does help:


  1. Don’t limit yourself (initially).

It may seem counterintuitive, but the way to deal with having too many ideas is not to build a dam to stop the river from flowing. It’s probably not going to stop. It’s just going to overflow or explode one day and take out whatever neat and tidy routine you’ve built up beneath it. If you’re me, you end up feeling super overwhelmed and unable to do ANY writing at all under the force of it.

I mean, sometimes the flow does stop. Sometimes you feel like you don’t have ANY good ideas and the source of the river has all dried up, but that’s a different video than this one.

Something I catch myself doing is judging my ideas way too early on in the process. Baby ideas can come in many different shapes and sizes, and when you have a lot of them, it can be tempting to put them in an arena together to see “which one is better,” aka, “which one I should actually spend my time on.”

But baby ideas are rarely if ever fully formed. You usually can’t immediately tell which one, with time and loving care, is going to turn out “the best” or “the most interesting.” Telling myself “well, that idea isn’t good enough, so I won’t even consider it, because my time and energy is limited” is probably more to my detriment than my benefit at this particular stage.

Let the ideas come as they are, in whatever quantity they come. Make lists. Keep them around, even if it’s just a few words of a premise or a title or the name of the main character. You don’t have to decide right away which ones you want to work on and which ones to set aside. You might get to use them later, perhaps even during one of those dry spells. Let the river flow naturally.

You see these? I was so so excited when I first came up with them. I have done. NOTHING. With them. Mostly nothing, anyway. But it was still fun to come up with them, and sometimes… they lead into ideas that are actually going somewhere by reusing bits and pieces. More on that later in the list.

2. Prioritize based on interest level, then stay disciplined.

Okay, so, you have your ideas, but you only have so much time, and you DO want to work on something. You DO want to finish something. How do you decide which idea to work on?

For me, that decision is based on a levels of interest and excitement. The idea that I’m most excited about is usually the idea I am most likely to spend my time writing, and more likely to follow through to the end. Excitement and interest levels can wane, but we’ll get into what to do about that in the next one.

What I will do once in a while when I’m feeling pulled in a lot of different writing directions is to make a list and rank my current choices from most interested/excited about to least. I can tell I’m interested in an idea when I feel naturally drawn to thinking about it and excited and impatient to write it. Once I hone in on which idea is currently making me feel that way the most, I know it’s going to be my priority.

Some people can work on multiple projects at a time. I usually have multiple writing projects in progress, but there is always one which is my top priority that I spend the most time and energy on, often leaving the other WIPs untouched for months at a time.

This is because at this point, during the actual writing process, I try to stay somewhat disciplined with my choice of project. Sometimes I will run off and work on other things, but for the most part, when presented with a choice, I will stick with the Top Priority project until it reaches the end of a particular stage—a full first draft, for instance, after which I will take a break.

For example, I finished the final draft of the second book in the Eternal Library series, The Tale That Twines, this spring and then had a kickstarter for it. I didn’t really work on any other ideas while I was working on that. But now, this summer, I’m working on The Perennial Empire, a humorous fantasy novella series. I’ll draft a few of those, and then after the Kickstarter is fulfilled at the end of the season, I plan to do the first draft of book three in the Eternal Library and not come back to the Empire novellas until after that is done.

3. Allow yourself to play around sometimes.

Despite having priorities and despite staying overall disciplined in my choices there, I do let myself have some room to play around. As an autistic person, I often struggle with demand avoidance. If something starts feeling like too much of a demand or obligation, even if it’s something I WANT to do, I will be unable to do it. I will become resentful and angry and stressed all to hell.

So I have to let myself go run and play sometimes. Take a little bit of a break to fiddle around with some other project that’s just below the top one on my list, even if that just means brainstorming scenes while I go for a walk or drawing the characters, but sometimes I might even write a little bit of another idea.

Even if you don’t have demand avoidance issues, this can potentially help let off steam and stress when it comes to staying dedicated to your top priority writing project. Other people may find they are TOO distractable and running off to play on other playgrounds might derail them enough that they end up getting nothing done for any project. It’s a balance that’s unique to all of us.

For example, right now my priority project is a novella series called The Perennial Empire. I just finished the first novella, Party of Fools, and really should be onto the second… but I had just finished a draft and I felt intimidated by starting another one so soon. I got a new idea about a cozy curse shop and a gnome and a very fabulous witch and a ghost grandpa and—I let myself write a few thousand words. I also made a book cover, even though I don’t even know if or when I’ll have time to finish writing it.

Taking a bit of a break to fiddle with THAT idea gave me time to readjust and be ready to come back to start the second Empire novella, which is called The Well Seasoned Hero, because it’s about food. Well, it’s about classism and the bullshit hero’s journey and tyrants and magic but—it’s also about food. You’ll see it out next year, hopefully.

An unedited excerpt from Party of Fools:

This was also when the Stranger entered the building. As a seedy bar, Ale’s Well was used to strangers. They had what you might call a diverse clientèle, the sort who didn’t ask questions and never gave up easy answers when it came to who or what they were and which line of work they were in, exactly. It was fluid that way, a liminal space in which a person might become anyone or anything at all, no matter who they were on paper.

Unfortunately, liminality fit this Stranger like a lumpy corset two sizes too small. You could see the way their strongly defined character squeezed out in all the wrong places, from the set of their broad shoulders to the way their cloak swirled lyrically around their feet, which were clad in boots that were visibly too expensive for this district despite the fact that they’d had quite a bit of mud scraped from them before entering.

Reed and Gladys appeared not to notice the Stranger. There’s a trope in stories like these where the hero walks into the seedy tavern and everyone stops to look at them, silence falling like an anvil. That may happen sometimes, somewhere, but not today and not here. Reed repeated the throaty chorus of Gladys’s ballad, eyes squeezed shut, face tipped toward the sky, and Gladys’s eyes remained fixed on him, her foot tapping ever so slightly.

4. Combine or cannibalize unfinished works/ideas into others.

This is probably my TOP writing tip for when you have too many ideas: combine them. Cannibalize chunks of one unfinished idea or story into another that’s further along or that you have more energy and interest in. This way you get the good big dopamine rush of playing with ALL the ideas, but you’re still working on just one actual project that you’re more likely to finish!

I also find that this can take a single idea or story to the next level. If your various ideas are particularly different from one another, it can add originality and tension and depth, which for me also usually increases my interest and dedication to working on that project.

For example, a couple years ago, I read a scifi story with an alien/human romance that I really didn’t like. I thought, I could do better! And came up with an idea about bee aliens for such a story of my own out of complete spite, even though I’ve never been particularly drawn to writing scifi or aliens. Unsurprisingly, that put it fairly low on my priority list.

Then while I was writing The Tale That Twines, the second book in my Eternal Library series, I found I needed a scifi book and TV series for the main characters to be obsessed with. So guess what? I took my bee alien idea—the beeliens if you will—and I turned that into the story-within-the-story that I needed.

I’ll probably never write the beelien idea on its own, but it still exists and I still got to play around with it. It also brought a whole new dimension to The Tale That Twines, which wasn’t originally focused on old scifi fandom, an aspect which now heavily informs the plot and brought an unexpected richness to the worldbuilding.

5. Don’t be precious; there will always be more.

Sometimes it can be hard to prioritize our writing ideas and figure out what we want to work on first and what we want to work on later or even let go of because ALL of it sounds good! We may not want to risk losing interest in an idea that we don’t immediately have time for because it just seems SO GOOD with SO MUCH POTENTIAL. It may seem like if you DON’T work on this particular idea RIGHT NOW, that something will be wasted, or you’ll miss your chance, because THIS is the BEST IDEA you’ve ever had and nothing else will ever be like it again!

The truth is, though, that we will always have more ideas. We may have dry spells, especially if we have other super stressful things going on in life. It may take a while to build an idea or world or story up to the point where it feels alive and beautiful and satisfying, but there will always be more ideas eventually, and there’s always potential for them to be THE NEXT BEST THING.

One of my painting professors at college used to tell us not to be “too precious” with our art to the point that we like an idea or an element of a painting we did so much that we’re afraid to take more risks or make changes because it might “get ruined.” Risks and changes are necessary in any creative medium, and that definitely includes writing. It’s okay to let some ideas wait around or to let them go entirely. There will always eventually be more.

In my own writing life, I faced this when I switched from writing in one particular universe to another. As a teen and in my early 20s, I wrote five books, assorted short fiction, and wrote/drew a 350 page webcomic all in the same universe, series title “Life in Glory.” I even have a tattoo for it on my ding dang arm. It was my first one. It’s not good. But I don’t regret it.

Some art from 2010 of the main characters from Radiant, the first book in the Life in Glory series, which was about saving a parallel dimension where everything ever created by the arts IRL comes alive.

I’d spent over 10 years writing in this universe, but the only bit of it that had been published for people to read was the webcomic and two short stories. I kept writing and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting the books but was never really satisfied with them enough to publish, because the ideas had all been cooked up when I was like 17 and I was growing out of it.

Also there were a lot of problematic elements deep in the plot and characterization that I had become more aware of over the years as I learned better, and it was really hard to revise them—they were part of the foundation. There wasn’t really any revising them. It was a base structural problem and to change those things would be to basically restart the series from scratch with all new concepts.

Eventually I realized that I needed to move on, but after worldbuilding in this one place with a huge cast of characters I loved, I was really intimidated! None of my new ideas could stand up to something that had existed and been built on for 10+ years and hundreds of comic pages and well over 500,000 words, not counting separate drafts of things.

I had to trust that if I stepped away from this world and this idea, that eventually the next thing I worked on would feel just as amazing and exciting and deep. And guess what? It did! The thing I ended up moving onto was the Eternal Library series, and now I love THIS world and THESE characters just as much if not more than the Life in Glory ones. And I’ve actually published it and feel good about that.

6. Let it become compost. Compost is good!

When we spend time developing or writing ideas that we don’t ultimately finish, that time is not wasted. Those ideas are not trash. They’re compost! And compost is good! Every word you put down helps you grow as a writer. The nature of life and death is that some things do have to die in order to sustain life. Energy is never lost, only transferred from one place to another.

So if you end up spending time on stories that “never go anywhere,” that’s okay. It’s just part of the process, and the sooner we accept that, the easier it will be to focus on finishing and sharing other stories with the world. Those dead stories, even if you don’t cannibalize or combine them, end up fertilizing the story fruit you do grow.


To reiterate everything we just went through, when dealing with “too many ideas/too much inspiration,” I find it helpful to: not limit myself from having ideas in the first place; prioritize based on interest level and then stay disciplined; allow myself to play around; combine or cannibalize unfinished works/ideas into others; not be too precious about ideas, as there will always be more; and let some things die and become compost that will ultimately enrich my writing life overall.

Do you have any tips or methods for dealing with an overload of ideas that I didn’t mention, or more to add to any one of those points? I’d love to hear your thoughts down in the comments, as well as any questions you might have about my writing process or writing in general! If I have a lot of thoughts in response, I might even include it in my next blog and/or video, when I start making those again :).

Thank you all so much for all your love and support!! <3

The Tale That Twines Chapter One Preview and Kickstarter Update

Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well! I have been hard at work getting everything ready to release The Tale That Twines, book 2 in the Eternal Library series. The book itself is now in the final proofreading stages, and the Kickstarter to fund the paperback and hardcover print runs is nearly ready to launch. Yay!!

As a way to get everyone excited, I’m sharing Chapter One of the book. You can read the entire chapter here in text, or you can listen to it on the YouTube video, in which I narrate the chapter over top of the painting process for the back cover. I’ve employed some new editing techniques for this one, using different speeds and angles to make it more interesting than a straightforward timelapse.

Right now, the tentative launch date for the Kickstarter is April 20! Hopefully I will not have to change that. The campaign will have ebooks, paperbacks, and special edition hardcovers* available for Book 1 and Book 2, along with copies of the Threadbound Oracle. It will ship worldwide. Pricing will be available when the campaign launches, and yes, everything (except maybe the hardcovers) will be available for purchase after the campaign, as well.

*Yes, one day there will be audiobooks, but not for a long time! It will take a while to create, and I need to do Book 1 first.

You can watch/listen here or keep reading for Chapter One in text format:

More updates to come, so stay tuned!

There are no content warnings. Chapter One is approximately 4,000 words long, or a 15 minute read.

Note: The written version below is slightly different from the audio, as I did more editing after recording.


Casporan Year 3978
(40 years before The Thread That Binds)


Cloud Moon 4, 3978

Dear Hazel,

Today I put on my best clothes, did my hair, checked all my lists five times, left twenty minutes early, caught the train, arrived at the Library for my Charter Oath and Binding ceremony—and discovered I was there on the wrong day.

Today isn’t the Vernal Equinox. Tomorrow is. You’d think the difference in the train would have tipped me off; if today was actually the Equinox, it would have been on the holiday schedule. The Library was also full of patrons, which should have been my second warning, since it’s closed to the public on holy days.

I didn’t notice until I showed up at the Head Librarian’s office and Opal stared at me in surprise. E had a good sense of humor about it, thankfully. I’ve been chastised before for my inability to manage time. I wonder what e would have said if I showed up a day late rather than the day early. The ceremony can only be done on one of the two equinoxes. Imagine having to wait another half a year to start my job!

The thing is, I even used the planner that Theo bought me before I left Fenia. Unfortunately, a day planner is only useful if you write your appointments on the right date. Maybe I should give up on planners. They never seem to work for me. You used to say that planning your life down to the hour and minute was an oppressive tool of capitalist governments, that doing so ignores our natural sense of flow. Now that I’m an adult who understands what that means, I agree.

Planner or no planner, I’m still getting used to the nine-hour time difference between Caspora City and Merle. I often want to sleep during the day and stay up all night. Hopefully tomorrow won’t be like that—tomorrow I’ll actually be at the Library for my Binding ceremony!

(journal entry to be continued)

The Eternal Library looks exactly the way I remember it. A trio of white limestone buildings rises to greet me as I emerge from the underground train station: one in the shape of a snail shell, one a whelk, and one an abalone. Before them stretches a grassy quad speckled with apple and cherry trees, the morning air bright with their scent. This time, I’m here precisely when I’m supposed to be.

I approach the central building, the one shaped like a whelk shell. They call it the Spire, and its enormous carved wooden doors are shut tight. I pull experimentally on the huge iron handles, but they don’t budge. I pull again, then try pushing for good measure. It’s no use; they’re locked.

I wrack my brain for what Opal must have said about where and how to meet em, but all I’ve got is that we agreed to see each other at Opal’s office, which is inside the Spire. Nothing about how to get inside when the Library is closed to the public. Was someone supposed to give me a key? Was I supposed to call first? If I bang on the doors, will someone hear?

Just as I raise my fist, I hear footsteps behind me. I startle and whirl around to see who it is, shoving my hands behind my back as if they’ve caught me attempting a break-in.

“Hello, June,” Catrina Rosefall says. “In need of some help?”

Catrina Rosefall—or Rose, as e prefers— is an Illuminator in eir forties, tiny in stature but with an enormous spirit presence. Even with my wards on, there’s a twinkling of sequins and a laugh like a chime that hangs around em in my psychic Hearing. An indigenous Casporan, e has warm brown skin, a huge pile of curly black hair, and laser-green eyes that cut right to your soul.

“If it’s not too much trouble,” I reply with a smile, “help would be great right about now, yeah.”

Rose laughs and pulls an old-fashioned key ring from beneath a voluminous caftan. The heavy plastic bangles on eir arms clatter as e unlocks one of the doors and heaves it open a crack. With a flash of brightly colored fabric, e flits through the opening like a hummingbird. I follow with decidedly less grace, my cardigan pocket catching on the handle as I squeeze through.

“We’ll get you your own key soon,” Rose says, voice echoing in the empty expanse of the Spire. “Security doesn’t like to give up the ones to the old buildings without your signature on a hundred liability waivers.”

“Well, there are hundreds of priceless treasures in here, so I can understand that,” I say.

Here in the Spire is where the Illuminated manuscripts rest. Books that are hand-made, hand-written, hand-drawn. Each one a priceless and irreplaceable work of art which, thanks to their magic, will never fade or crumble. The sacred craft was invented nearly a thousand years ago by the Founders of the Library itself. The secret to creating these living, magical tomes has been passed down from mentor to apprentice for centuries ever since.

Today is my initiation into the craft. Anxiety and excitement swirl inside my chest like stinging bees and soft-winged butterflies.

The lobby of the Spire really does look like the inside of a shell. In the center of the building rises a column, around which lie nine floors of open air. The floors rise in a gentle spiral around the central column, occasionally connected by an arched walkway. I crane my neck back, gazing all the way past the ninth floor to a ring of round skylights, the beams of which fade before they hit the ground. The air smells like paper and leather and magic.

I can Hear some of the books whispering to one another through the bars on their cases, but the others are quiet, possibly asleep. All books have souls, but Illuminated books are stronger, louder, more self-aware. This morning in preparation for being around so many of them, I applied extra magic wards to protect me from sensory overload. It’s difficult enough to deal with the noise of the physical world without the spirit world layered on top.

“Thousands,” says Rose.

“What?” I say, startled out of my thoughts. I forgot we were having a conversation.

“There are thousands of priceless treasures in the Spire, not hundreds,” Rose says, tossing me a knowing look, “but they give us the keys because we need to be able to come and go. Being an Illuminator requires odd work hours at times.”

“So I’ve heard!” I say. “That’s one of the reasons I thought I’d be a good match for the job. I don’t exactly run on standard time, myself.”

“Good,” Rose says. “You’ll fit right in.”

The doors to the Head Librarian’s office are towering edifices of carved wood, just like the ones outside. Inscribed on them is the Library’s seven-pointed star seal, along with impressively detailed images of bookbinding tools. The old redwood still smells good when I press my nose to it to catch more of the scent lingering in the air.

Rose glances sideways at me in amusement before knocking.

Opaline Sweetfrond, Master Illuminator and current Head Librarian of the Eternal Library, opens the door at the first knock. Opal is in eir mid-seventies and aging gracefully, body still strong and spine straight. Eir lined brown face is framed by a graying shag cut and large, equally gray beard, both of which are neatly combed and trimmed. E looks smart in a matching tweed vest and trousers.

“I’m ready, don’t worry,” e says to Rose, and upon seeing me, smiles brightly. “Good morning, June! Sorry if I kept you waiting. Let’s all move down to the main Ritual Hall, shall we?”

I’ve never been in the Grand Ritual Hall before. On our way there, we pass the ornate reading rooms the Library is famous for, their ceilings frescoed with Casporan mythology and their walls galleried with famous works of art. Everything is gilded and polished to a shine.

An antique mirror on one wall reflects my face back at me: youthful, square, freckled, and visibly enthusiastic. I’m glad I took the extra time this morning to curl my hair and iron my clothes. I don’t care too much about appearances, but when I look back on my memories of today, I want everything to be perfect. Everything brilliant, everything in harmony like the opening hook of your favorite song.

In contrast to the surrounding opulence, the Grand Ritual Hall is made entirely from smooth gray slate and devoid of decoration. The seamless stone floor is no human construction but a natural feature of the land. Around it has been built a high, semicircular room with rows of lecture-style seating ringed around a central stage. The stage is etched with magical geometry and sacred circles, their edges worn by centuries of use.

Psychically speaking, the room is silent. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place without at least some spirit noise. It’s a bit creepy.

“The stone is soaking it all up,” I say, gazing around at the floor and walls.

“I assume you mean the ambient magical energy?” Opal replies. “Yes, this room is an energetic vacuum, which is perfect for controlling large magical workings. Particularly in a place like the Library, where the separation between planes is thin and things can get out of hand quickly. Our ancestors certainly knew what they were doing when they built this place. Or rather, when they tapped into the existing flow of energy nature provides.”

Not my ancestors, but certainly Opal’s and Rose’s. Both are indigenous Casporans; my parents immigrated here from Fenia, a small northeastern country half a world away. I am the first and only member of my family to be born on Casporan soil. The only connection I have to this place, to the Library, is a personal one.

Opal and Rose pull the ritual supplies from a storage closet. Opal carries a single tiny wooden box while Rose staggers under the weight of a large, overflowing crate. I hold my arms out in an offer of help, but e shakes eir head and trundles on to a small table in the middle of the stage. I guess I’ll just watch.

“The Library is built on top of a big intersection of leylines, isn’t it?” I ask, as the two of them set up for the ritual. From the crate comes a tablecloth, a goblet, small glass bottles of who-knows-what. A triplicate statue of the Founders, much like the ones in the lobby of the building next door.

“Yes. The thickest of those intersections lies just beneath our feet,” Opal says, “connecting the Library, in one way or another, to the entire world beyond. A mycelial network of naturally-occurring etheric cords whose fruiting bodies include the likes of standing stone circles, holy wells, sacred groves, crystalline caves, and many an important cultural institution.”

“If Lynn Fireforge ever dies, you could replace em as a host,” Rose says dryly, naming the verbose presenter of a popular Casporan nature program. “Remember what we said about impromptu lectures on the nature of time and space?”

“I remember agreeing to give them only where appropriate, and this feels appropriate to me,” Opal retorts.

“That kind of thing is always appropriate to me,” I say. “I love those conversations! To the point that my friends also get annoyed by how long I can ramble on about the meaning of existence or how magic works or etheric cords, those sorts of things.”

Opal beams, and Rose rolls eir eyes good-naturedly.

“Let’s get this over with, and afterward you two can talk as long as you want about mycelial networks and fruiting bodies and whatever,” Rose says, and rolls up eir sleeves.

Opal and I face each other in the center of the etched circle while Rose conducts the ritual. E cleanses the space and our bodies with a silver bell, its pure ringing tone sending shivers up my spine. My energetic wards break and fall away like shards of ice, the magic melting into the stone floor. Without them, I feel vulnerable and exposed, but it must be necessary for what we’re about to do.

First, Rose has me take the Charter Oath that every Librarian must swear in service to the Library. E produces an enormous Illuminated tome two feet across, the words inked on vellum pages in Old Casporan. I was given a pamphlet with a modern translation of the oath when I accepted my apprenticeship, but, embarrassingly, I have yet to finish reading it.

Oh well. I understand the gist of the oath: a promise to protect and value the books and patrons of the Library above all else. I have no problem swearing to that and whatever else the Founders wrote. I place my hand on the pages, responding to Rose’s ritual calls as the words rise from the page and swirl up my arm. They glow with a soft white light as they ink themselves into my skin and disappear. This is high magic, ancient and powerful and humbling to experience.

The Oath ties itself around my heart, words spun into sentences twined into etheric thread. If I were to step into the astral plane and look at my spirit body, I wonder if I’d see a new cord connecting me to … to what exactly? This book? The Library? Where exactly in the Library? A place this old and powerful must have its own heartscape, the spirit place each and every being calls home. What does that look like? Can a person go there?

“Do you need a moment before we continue?” Opal asks, breaking my curiosity-fueled thought spiral.

I shake my head. “Sorry about that. Let’s keep going.”

We resume facing one another. Rose rings the bell again to refresh the space, clears eir throat, and reads from a small, worn-looking book:

“Today we gather at the beginning. The beginning of a new relationship and a new path in the web of life. Not only between mentor and student, but between the student and the art of Illumination, which at its heart is a relationship between the student and their true self. What becomes known after this point cannot be undone. Do you wish to proceed?”

“Yes, I wish to proceed,” says Opal.

“Yes, I also wish to proceed,” I say, following eir lead.

Rose fills a crystal goblet with what looks like water, then adds a drop of something red from one of the tiny bottles. Ink? The red swirls and diffuses with a psychic sound like arpeggios on a harp. In the magical silence of the Ritual Hall, it echoes.

The goblet then goes to Opal, who takes a sip before offering it to me.

“So,” Rose continues, “the cup is passed as knowledge shall be, from one generation to another, master to apprentice, handed down through the ages from the Founding of the Library and the Founder, Eirlys Starsower emself. For all Illuminators may trace their lineage back to em, our guiding light in the darkness.”

I drink from the cup, and the sweet water makes my mouth tingle like a trip to the dentist’s office. It’s a struggle not to reflexively spit it out, which I can only assume would ruin the whole ritual.

Rose takes the cup from me as I cover my mouth and chuckles. I don’t know who e studied under, but e must have gone through this same ritual once. Did e learn from Opal, too? Or from the person whose studio I’ve inherited, their departure the open door for my own apprenticeship?

Now Rose opens the small wooden box that Opal brought out from storage. Its lid is inlaid with iridescent moonstone, the inside lined with black velvet. In the center lies a spool of crimson thread and a tiny pair of golden scissors. They remind me of my embroidery scissors, which are shaped like a stork. Instead these have a handle in the shape of a moon and sun that fit together when the blades are closed.

Opal extends eir hand to me, and I take it. Rose ties the red thread around Opal’s wrist, loops it around our clasped hands, and ties it off on my wrist, snipping the end with the tiny scissors.

Thread magic. The thread tied around my wrist is rough, maybe handspun flax, its strength and light weight impressive. I wonder who made it. With my free hand, I pinch it between my thumb and forefinger, trying to divine its origins.

Rose says something my brain doesn’t catch, and then Opal responds, “I do pledge.” Psychic information zips through the thread. A dark sky, twinkling with stars; the scent of spruce tip tea; a flash of burnished copper on an etched printing plate; the sound of a muffled radio, the voice on the airwaves reading a dramatic news story, or perhaps an old adventure serial. I can’t quite make out the words.

Opal’s spirit. That’s what I’ve just felt thrumming between us. I look up to find Opal and Rose are watching me expectantly. I drop my hold on the thread and offer an apologetic smile.

“Juniper Starstitch,” Rose says, stifling a laugh, “do you pledge yourself to the sacred role of the apprentice, to listen, to learn, to open your mind, heart, and spirit to the knowledge given to you by your teacher, in ways that challenge you to grow?”

“I do pledge,” I say.

The words are heavy on my tongue, which still tingles from the ink water. The power in them funnels up from the depths of my soul and through my mouth, every one of my past lives answering along with me. The thread hums, no doubt sending Opal a psychic paragraph of information on my spirit.

What do I feel like to Opal? E looks pleased, which is all I could ever ask for. I’m aware what an unusual opportunity this apprenticeship is. Not only to learn a craft few ever master, but to do so at the Eternal Library itself under one of the most respected and knowledgeable artists alive. I have so many hopes and dreams for what we’ll be able to accomplish together that it makes my heart ache and my hands restless.

Rose picks up the golden scissors again and with them snips the thread between us, saying, “Then it is done. So it is, so it will be.”

Though the physical thread is cut, I feel the magical bond stretch between us like intimate conversation and a cup of tea shared beside a cozy fire. Perhaps with a favorite book at hand. Rose winds down the ritual, dismissing the energy to sink back into the bedrock beneath our feet before putting the magical supplies back in their crate.

“You’ll want to keep that string around your wrist until it falls off naturally,” Rose says. “Shouldn’t be too long. That spool of thread is older than Opal—we don’t use too much of it over the years.”

“Oh, so it’s kind of like a handfasting engagement,” I say. “Interesting.”

When people want to get married in Caspora, each partner ties a woven bracelet onto the other’s wrist (or others’ plural, since in Caspora polyamory is fairly common) during the proposal. When everyone’s bracelets have fallen off, it means they’re ready for the wedding. It was one of the first products my parents, both weavers by trade, made and sold when they immigrated to Caspora. They liked to tease that my baby clothes and crib and food were paid for by the power of love.

“I noticed you examining the ritual thread,” Opal says to me. “If you’d like to learn how it was made, I can dredge up what my own mentor taught me about it, decades ago.”

“Don’t you mean centuries?” interjects Rose with a laugh.

Opal ignores em. “Someone needs to carry on the tradition, and who better than our new resident thread witch? Particularly one trained in the Fenian tradition, a culture which places even more importance on fiber magic than our own.”

Normally an invitation to talk about thread magic would trigger a massive, excited information dump from me, but in the wake of the double ritual I could take a nap right here on the floor. And I never take naps. I can’t seem to fall asleep properly at night or during the day.

An enormous yawn escapes me, creating a chain reaction in both Opal and Rose.

“Ah, these things do take it out of a person,” Opal says. “Perhaps we’ll call it a day and chat about threadcraft tomorrow.”

“Whatever the two of you do, I’m headed home now. I need to make sure Naseem and the kids don’t burn down the kitchen making Equinox dinner while extended family crashes around the house,” Rose says.

We all turn to head out. On the other side of the Grand Ritual Hall doors, the psychic chatter of the Library returns with a pop, as if I’ve taken out a pair of wax earplugs. The books are definitely awake now. Not just the Illuminated ones, but the Library as a whole.

“Is Naseem your spouse?” I ask. Rose nods. “And you have kids?”

“Yep. Two of them, both teens. They’re a handful,” Rose says with obvious affection. “You’ll meet them eventually when they come visit the Bindery. They’re very nosy and will definitely burst into your studio without knocking first.”

“Just like their Ren,” says Opal, with a sidelong glance.

Rose is in no way offended. “Yes. Just like me.”

When we reach the Spire lobby, the murmur of psychic noise rises to a stadium-level roar. In my exhausted state, the etheric soundwave puts me instantly over the edge. I wince and clap my hands over my ears, even though that doesn’t help in the slightest.

All I can hear is the noise of the Spire. All the books, all the ghosts, the spirits, an entire spiritual ecosystem. Rose and Opal both try to speak to me; I can see their mouths moving, but their words are lost in the cacophony. I want desperately to bolt from the building, but I’d rather die than leave them with the impression that I’m rude or incapable of control.

My distress must show, because Opal gently takes my arm and leads me down a new maze of hallways. All I can do is focus on making my legs move. The noise level lowers as we distance ourselves from Spire lobby, but its echoes bounce around my body, making me shiver and sweat.

“Don’t worry, we’re not the only ones working today. Holidays are deep cleaning days for the core housekeeping staff. That means they’ve got at least one energy worker in the Infirmary in the case of magical accidents,” Opal says in a soft, soothing voice. “Whoever it is will get you right as rain in no time.”

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you’re excited as I am for this new release! I will send more update emails about the Kickstarter and other availability soon, and post about it on Instagram. See you then!