Contact Numinous Spirit Press

Before emailing, please see if your question is answered below:

💜 My Magic Pantry Kickstarter package is stuck in transit/has not updated/has not arrived/is lost/etc. What should I do?

If your MPT Kickstarter package has not arrived as of January 3, 2025, I am now considering it lost. Please fill out the contact form and include your Kickstarter/BackerKit information so that I can send you a new package for free. You can log into BackerKit here with the same email address you use on Kickstarter to check your order status and information. If you cannot log in (especially if you know that you paid with Apple ID), please let me know.


💜 My Magic Pantry Tarot deck has missing/damaged cards or other issues. What should I do?

No worries! Most of the time I am happy to ship you replacement cards, etc for free, just let me know what the issue is.

💜 Where/when can I purchase the Magic Pantry Tarot?

It’s in the shop now! 😊

💜 Do you have digital versions of your deck guidebooks available?

Yes, you can download them for free here!

💜 Need replacements for individual lost/damaged cards?
Let me know which deck you have and which cards you need in your message, along with your mailing address (including international addresses!) and I will replace them for free. If you are requesting cards from the Numinous Tarot, please let me know if your deck has gold edges or not.

💜 Lost package and refund policy
If you order has been lost/stolen/heavily damaged/returned to sender, in most cases I am happy to either send a new package for free or provide a full refund. If there were any issues with the shipping process/address/etc that caused the problem and you would like a new package, we can troubleshoot together.

I consider US packages lost after 4 weeks and international packages lost after 8 weeks from the date it was originally shipped. You have TWO MONTHS from that date in which to contact me about your lost package. This applies to shop orders as well as Kickstarter packages.

I do not provide refunds because the cards were not what you expected (ex. you do not like the linen texture on the Threadbound Oracle). Cases of financial emergency will be considered. I reserve the right to refuse refunds for any reason that is not satisfactory, though this almost never happens.

💜 Question about your rewards/order from the Magic Pantry Tarot Kickstarter?

See above, and Please check the updates and FAQ here first before messaging.

💜 Current wholesale status: