The Magic Pantry Tarot

The Magic Pantry Tarot is a deck themed around food, for the home cook or anyone who loves to eat! Food is a powerful force in our world, a necessity for life which is also a major basis for culture and community. The Magic Pantry Tarot combines deck creator Cedar McCloud’s personal experience as a home cook who loves food with their signature brightly hued watercolor paintings and thoughtful, multicultural approach to Tarot symbolism.

This deck focuses largely on single ingredients and is vegan/vegetarian friendly (please see *note below for details of what this means), as well as containing no depictions of alcohol. See full card gallery below for details. This deck is fat-positive; there will be no imagery or guidebook language centered around weight or weight-loss dieting, no judgment of food as morally “bad” or “good” as much as is possible. The focus will be instead on the flavors, physical characteristics, and modern/traditional uses of each ingredient.

Whether you use it for divination or to decide what's for dinner, the Magic Pantry Tarot is a fun tool for combining magic with food!

The Magic Pantry Tarot contains 79 cards (a full traditional deck with two alternate Fool cards, Eggs or Tofu) and is printed on A35 Thick Standard cardstock for durability and ease of shuffling. It has a traditional smooth playing card finish and is standard tarot size, 2.75"x4.75". It comes in a standard tuck box, but a cute gingham bag is available as an add-on for alternate storage.

*This deck is intended to be vegan/vegetarian friendly; what I mean by that is that this deck recognizes a wide variety of diets, including vegan/vegetarianism, as existing and being valid alongside others. It is not intended to be a solely vegan deck at its core and a couple of cards depict what could be animal products, though you’re free to imagine they are vegan replacements.


In this deck, which is RWS-based, the original suit names have been retained (Cups, Swords, Wands, Pentacles), but each suit does have its own associations. Specifically:

  • Major Arcana - Proteins, drinks, condiments, tools, and others

  • Cups - Fruit

  • Swords - Vegetables

  • Wands - Seasoning (herbs and spices)

  • Pentacles - Starches